Wedding (Ch. 15)

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(Y/n) lifted her hand as she let it touch her face. She lightly caressed her tear-stained cheeks as she looks at her reflection in the mirror.

She noticed how they looked a little sunken than it was before. Her skin was almost unrecognizable because of its pale complexion. She seemed like a zombie - like a ghost whose life had been taken away with a snap of a finger. She then touched her lips, its usual pinkish color had been drained out - resulting it to look a little dried up. She then focused on her eyes, their (e/c) hues seemed dull and lifeless.

The woman didn't recognise the person that was in front of her. Had she always looked like this? Had she always been such a weak and pathetic fool that didn't know anything in the world? Is this why Rie had always been so protective of her? Maybe. Because she was disgusting and horrifying to look at. Not because of her physical appearance - no- it was because how she had always seemed like she had been living her life spiritless - apathetic and dull.

She knew that she had never lacked when it comes to her facial characteristics and figure — her looks had been complimented quite a few times. But at the same time, she was highly aware that something inside of her is missing, it was unnerving and it had always been a cause of her anxieties.

The artist let her hand rest on her lap and then she released a sigh. She was doing it again, she thought. It has always been a habit of hers to push her flaws into the open whenever she had something big coming up. And this time, when she says that it was a big event - it indeed is.

It is her wedding day after all.

But unlike other brides who had been enthusiastically looking forward to the day they say their vows to their partner - she wasn't. She was petrified with the idea, she felt extremely blue that she couldn't sleep a wink for the past two days. 

'A wedding, huh?' she thought, closing her eyes and letting herself relieve a moment from her past.

"Rie? " she remembered her younger self calling for her brother who was busy reading a book beside her. She was taking a peak at the words written on the book but there was something that caught her attention

"Hm? " her twin responded without removing his gaze from the book.

"What's a wedding? " she asked innocently, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. This caught the boy's attention, he closed the book and looked at his sister.

(Y/n) saw how the boy closed his eyes, as if he was thinking of how he should explain the answer.

"Well, the Hero man from the church told me that it's like a promise between two people — between a man and a woman." the boy answered, smiling a bit as he opens his eyes.

"A promise? What kind of promise? And why is it supposed to only be between a man and a woman? Two boys can make a promise with each other too!"

"Uhm... he said that its something like being with each other forever and yes, I don't know why he said that it's just between a man and woman. I guess he forgot that people with the same gender can stay with each other too." Rie answered again, furrowing his eyebrows as he recall what the man had told him. The boy saw how his sister's eyes seemed to sparkle more.

"Then, are we going to have a wedding together?" the girl asked again innocently.

"Hero man said that we can't."

"Why? I want to live with you forever!" the girl said, tilting her head a little.

"He said that you can't go have a wedding with a family member because that's bad."

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