Pleading (Ch. 6)

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(Y/n) and Chisaki are currently drinking tea at the female's dining room. The atmosphere around them was heavy, no one dared to say a word - especially (Y/n). The artist also tried her best to avoid meeting eyes with the person sitting in front of her, she was too scared to do so.

A while ago, while they were downstairs talking about the painting, she thought that the invisible barrier between them had temporarily been broken because of how they were genuinely discussing about the picture that she painted. But fear immediately came rushing in her entire body when the ravenette glared at her and told her to stop whatever she was doing. She didn't know what Chisaki meant but just decided to shut up in order to avoid any conflict.

(Y/n) asked herself what she did wrong to anger the man. Did she say something that annoyed him? Maybe he saw some dust flying around her home and being the germaphobe he is, his mood suddenly turned sour? Maybe her breath stinks? With this, she released a breath on her hand and took a whiff on it, it smelled like the porridge that she ate a while ago. With that, she realized something.

'Oh I see. Maybe it's because I'm sick and he didn't want me to be around him.' The female convinced herself that she might be right. Her thoughts were immediately interrupted when the man cleared his throat - as if asking her to look at him, which she complied hesitantly. When she finally met eyes with the ravenette, Chisaki raised one of his pointed brows, (Y/n) took this as a sign for her to talk.

"S-so what b-brought you here?" she managed to ask.

"I wanted to check on you, of course."

'Bullsh-' her thoughts were again cut off by the man. "I heard that you were sick, and of course, out of concern for my future... wife I need to make sure that you are always on your best condition. Although I am pretty sure that you won't believe me, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) didn't know how to react, she furrowed her eyebrows because of confusion. 'But I haven't even agreed to being his wife.' she thought for the nth time. But of course, there is a huge possibility that their marriage might actually happen in the future, not because she wanted it but because she didn't have any choice but to agree with the deal because of her situation.

"W-why me?" the woman asked which was immediately replied with a "Hm?" by the man.

"Why is it that I am the one you chose t-to make this... deal w-with? There are other people out there who have much better quirks than m-me and o-of course, who have better c-control. S-so, why m-me?" she waited for the man to reply, meeting his bright amber eyes with (e/c) ones. Every millisecond that pass seemed like hours for her.

"Because I need your quirk, particularly yours you see."

"But t-there might be someone else w-who possess the same one as mine, i-it's not impossible."

"Actually, you're right about that. There is someone else and she's closer to you than you've ever imagined. But I doubt that you'd like her to be the one to take your place."


"You see, one of your relatives recently developed a quirk and it's a complete duplicate of yours. Although, I doubt that hers is as powerful as the one you possess."

(Y/n) thought carefully, she didn't know what Chisaki meant. She knew that it wasn't her brother because both of them have already developed their own quirks when they were younger. She was confused, knowing the fact that his brother is her only remaining relative and of course, the little family that her brother made.

'W-wait. He used the word recently and m-my niece. How old is s-she again?' after a few seconds, the artist came to a realization. Her mouth fell open and she felt her eyes began to water. She couldn't believe that her own little niece could have inherited the same curse as hers.

"P-please. D-don't touch h-her." she cried, tears in her eyes falling like a waterfall. (Y/n) knew that she has to do something to keep away the man in front of her from her family. Even if it meant sacrificing her own life.

Chisaki watched as the woman beg in front of him. 'How pathetic.' he thought but at the same time, he couldn't take his eyes off (Y/n). He was beyond confused with how he was feeling, he didn't like the fact that the woman is in pain because of him but he also knew that he couldn't care less because she is just one of his pawns in order to achieve his goal.

The ravenette suddenly felt a hand grip his own gloved ones. "P-please. I-i'll do anything y-you want. Just d-dont touch m-my family." he heard the female say in between sniffles. But in return, (Y/n) felt the man hit her hand, to remove her grip.

"Do that again and I'll make sure that you'll be removed from existence." Chisaki glared at her. The artist felt her whole body shake from fear. The man in front of her, whose eyes can mesmerize anyone now possess the eyes of a murderer - no - of death himself. She tried her best not to cry, scared of the fact that Chisaki might find her annoying and might do something that can destroy her or her family.

"P-please. C-Chisaki-san, spare t-them." she tried to voice out. Chisaki only looked at her and said "Then you'll have to do something about that deal of ours." and stood up from his seat.

(Y/n) watched as the man head to the stairs and after a few moments, she heard her door downstairs open then shut close. As if on cue, the tears that she tried to hold back came falling again. She was desperate for help, but she knew that she has to do this on her own.

"P-please. I-I hope t-that y-you're safe,

Eri." she mumbled to herself.



Hi, guys! I hope you like this chapter, it was actually quite hard to write snd so far this is the one I'm not most satisfied with because of the way I wrote it. Anyways, have a great week everyone! ♥️

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