Chapter 23: "Lógico y Normal"

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As the world is coming to terms with the new normal, all businesses in entertainment likewise have been prepping for back to work as usual, following safety protocols. Promotion on social media has been frequent and the show has been doing IG lives courtesy of Vancouver Media, the production company that started LCDP way back in the local channel.

Being interviewed by one from the home team, specifically of Sara from Vancouver Media, has been one of the most fun for Itziar, she thought. Not only the host understood the intricacies of filming the show since the beginning, therefore avoiding redundant questions previously asked a hundred times, but analysis of characters were discussed. Fan questions and reactions were also talked about on the surface.

Itziar enjoyed answering the questions and expounding on various topics that sometimes she veered away from topics better left unsaid. Including her awareness that there are several fans of 'SerQuel,' which is the pairing of Sergio/El Profesor and Raquel/Lisboa, on the show. As well as fans of the other pairing, 'AlvItz.'

"Then there is also another, which is AlvItz, meaning Alvaro and Itziar...and they began to confuse what we do as characters. One thing is personal and the other is professional. We are good professionals, good colleagues, we are friends, we get along really well. Each of us has a personal life as is logical and normal, but well, I can't imagine..."

Sara butted in and said that, yes, there is AlvItz, and there is SerQuel, but they should focus on SerQuel.

"Ah, si, si!" Itzi laughed and agreed.

Joder! What am I thinking?! Itziar shrugged it off, hoping that no one noticed. Right.

Sara and Itzi continued to discuss things when--

"...Hola Álvaro," Sara mentioned to the viewers that he joined as one of them.

Oh! He's watching?! Itzi laughed. "Hola!" She greeted him even if she was not sure she saw him there.

Among the fleeting deluge of emojis, comments and reactions sent, he sent a hand-waving emoji, and then commented, "Besos, chicas" after a few minutes.

Sara and Itzi continued the IG live and finished after almost an hour.

Whew! That was close, Itzi thought. Several points of the talk was nice. She recalled talking with Álvaro of such topics several months ago. Now, all that felt so surreal. But there was his 'dropping by' to say hello while she talked about their working partnership at the live...What on earth was he thinking?

Itzi saw that he was still online. She decided to give him a call.

Álvaro was alone in his study. He was trying not to cry. Or think too much. It was enough that his innermost feelings will always be echoed in his ears by music. He stopped listening when he heard the phone ring. He pressed answer.

Unbeknownst to Itzi, he went online and joined that chat for a purpose. This is the purpose. They need to have this talk. Now.


"Hola. I just finished the IG live."

"Obviously." He waited.

"Will you not tell me why you dropped by? For everyone to see?!" That escalated quickly.

"Why the hell not?!"

"You know why!"

"Nodime." He said this like a challenge.

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