Chapter 21: Do Not Look

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Season 3 was released by Netflix globally on July 19, and so premieres were held in a few cities in various countries, the biggest of which was in Madrid the week before the release.

The LCDP Parte 3 world premiere in Spain's capital were attended by everyone who was everyone and several press people. Season 4 shoots were halted temporarily to give way to these events as part of the show's promotion. All production bigwigs along with the cast and the crew were there at the premiere as witness to all the love from fans that decided to support the red carpet event at the Plaza De Callao despite the summer heat. Photocalls as well as lineup short interviews with the cast, producers and directors were done at the red carpet, followed by an exclusive viewing of the season's first episode at the auditorium. An after-party was also prepared for the producers, the cast and the crew.

Álvaro was more agitated than usual, as this kind of occasion was one for the books, so to speak. This kind of huge, Hollywood-level event was indeed indescribable compared with the premiere they did when the show would be released at the local channel as a new TV show way back in 2017. He arranged his tie-less suit in front of the washroom mirror and took a deep breath. When he went out of the washroom, he was immediately hounded by Álex and Jesús who sported informal shirts over coats.

"Álvaro, my man!" Álex called out to him.

He smiled as they approached, and all three stayed at one side behind the red carpet stage.

"Netflix wanted El Profesor himself to say a few things on the stage later before the episode viewing."

"Huh?! I didn't prepare any speech--"

Álex dismissed it. "No, no speech. In English, just say a few words of thanks and tell them to enjoy the show. That's it."

"That's it?!" He suddenly felt more nervous now.

"Si." Álex and Jesús agreed.

Álvaro took a deep breath and shrugged. "Vale! English. Thank you. Enjoy." He counted on his fingers and smiled at the two.

"Bien! See you around." Álex and Jesús left him standing there.

Álvaro saw that the event organizer was calling out the cast to line up for their photocalls. He took a look at the beginning of a haphazard queue and spotted Pedro. He walked to where he was standing.


"Álvaro, mi amigo. Looking good today."

"Gracias. Tu también." He then stood closer to Pedro, touched his shoulder, and spoke to him in an almost muted voice. "Hey, amigo, I need a favor."

"Oohh, I feel like a conspiracy coming." Pedro joked.

"This is fucking serious, hermano." Álvaro hid both his hands in his pockets. "I need you to be my wingman and tell me if Itziar is approaching near."

"Por que?" Pedro asked him. "What the hell is wrong with you two?"

"No." Álvaro looked at Pedro. "I believe her partner is coming."

"So? And how on earth did you know?" Pedro asked.

"People talk, I listen."


Álvaro rolled his eyes. "Tailandia."

"Puta mierda! You gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Ssh. Keep your fucking voice down, man."

Pedro looked at his good-looking friend for a full minute with a serious face. Álvaro wondered what he was thinking and felt his face reddening.

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