Part 6

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Dean literally huffed as he stared down at you, eyeing you closely. "Can't you just use the bathroom?" He asked, perplexed.

"Sure she could. But she's a hell hound also. Being cooped up this long has to be challenging for her," Rowena argued. "It will do you both some good. Now choo."

You bounced up and down, your giant paws shaking the ground. Dean rolled his eyes but finally stood up. "Wait. Shouldn't I have a leash or something? She could bolt the second we walk out that door."

You growled lightly, annoyed with the fact that your trust with Dean was still being questioned. He stopped, staring at you, raising an eyebrow. "What? It's a good point!"

"She won't leave," Sam spoke up, surprising everyone. "We're a means to an end, and she's not going to give that up."

Another point for Sam. It seemed like he was finally coming around. "Fine," Dean muttered. "Let's go."

You bounded up the steps, waiting impatiently for Dean as his heavy work boots clanged on the iron stairs. He pushed open the door, and you were out instantly. The sun felt amazing, and if your mouth hadn't been hideously full of fangs, you would have smiled.

Dean followed behind, his hands in his pockets, a smile on his face while he watched you. It must have looked crazy, a large, hairy beast frolicking in the weeds around the bunker. But you didn't care. It had been ages since you had felt the sun on you, with no worry of having to hunt or be hunted.

"Hurry up," Dean muttered half-heartedly. Leaning against a tree, he watched as you sniffed around. Eyeing him warily, you rounded the large pine tree, quickly doing your business as private as you could. As you scratched the ground, you smelled it. It was faint, coming from the East. But the unmistakable scent of Hell hound was there, rotting up the air.

Growling, you back up towards Dean, your hackles raised. "What is it?" He asked, looking the way you were. His hands were already out of his pockets, reaching for the gun he normally kept with him. "Damn it," he muttered, coming up empty.

Your senses on high alert, you kept your nose to the ground, sniffing as you slowly moved forward. The scent grew stronger, a mixture of rotten meat and sulfur. There was at least one hell hound here, possibly two. Three if you counted yourself.

Turning to try and warn Dean, you watched in shock as the first hell hound came flying from nowhere, tackling Dean to the ground. Baring your teeth, you ran forward only to be knocked off your feet.

Yipping as your shoulder bounced off a boulder, you immediately tucked and rolled, landing on your feet. Snarling, you lunged towards the hell hound. He was larger, almost twice your size. Bloody spittle dripped from his lips. His face was scarred, and you knew who it was. Skull, the leader of the meanest hell hound pack. His kills were legendary. And he was after you.

You could hear Dean wrestling with the other hound, but you couldn't help him now. He was on his own, as you were. "Why?" You asked Skull, communicating telepathically.

He growled, his lip raising in a sneer. "You were the pet who vanished. When Alistair heard you had vanished, we were given the orders to pick you up. And when he heard who you were with? That was an added bonus."

The name Alistair was enough to send chills down your spine. You couldn't go back to that man. Not now, not ever. Taking the only moment of surprise you might have, you jumped, going straight for the juggler.

His large paw pushed you away, his claws ripping into your leathery flesh with ease. Whimpering, you lay there, watching as he stalked closer. You could still hear Dean in the background, fighting to get away from the hell hound pinning him to the ground. "Alistair said not to kill you," Skull growled low in his chest. "But I am a Hell hound after all. Killing is my nature, and it should be yours too."

He lunged forward, and you took that instant to roll over. Pushing with all of your might, you used all four legs to fling him towards the cliff. He scrambled to hold on, but he had nothing to grasp with his claws. With a howl, he fell over the edge. You wanted to look, to see for yourself that he had died. But you were more worried about Dean.

Your shoulder burned as blood dripped down to stain the dirt below. But still you pushed on, running as fast as you could, hitting the other Hell Hound square in the ribs. You heard them crack as you continued to push him, straight into the large trunk of a tree. He yipped, and you took that moment to wrap your teeth into his neck, ripping skin and muscle, tearing the life from him.

He fell to the ground with a slump, and you turned to see Dean standing there, cautiously watching. He had a scratch across his cheek, and some on his shoulders, but otherwise he was unharmed. "Y/N?" He called out, wondering if the blood lust had turned you, changed you back into the killing machine that Hell Hounds were supposed to be. But all it had done was disgust you. You wanted that cure now more than ever.

You started to slowly paw your way towards him, but your shoulder gave out, and you slumped to the ground. Dean rushed forward, awkwardly picking up your big frame in his arms. "Don't worry," he assured you. "I've got you. You're safe."

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