Part 5

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Your ears perked up at Rowena's excitement. Dean stood up, his plate forgotten as he moved to see what Rowena was looking at. You padded around the table, sitting down right next to Dean, your head resting on his thigh as you tried to listen in.

He glanced down at you, his face softening slightly at the fact you were leaning against him before he turned his attention back to what Rowena was saying.

"It's a very old spell," She continued. "The words, they're Sumerian I believe. Cas?"

The Angel glanced over the words. "Correct. This spell, it talks about reversing spells. Do you think it would work on something this advanced?"

The witch shrugged, but a sly smile crossed her face. You liked her and knew that if anyone could figure this out, it would be her. "It's a start," she purred in her accent. "I can bend it and force it to become my own. But I think it will help little Y/N here."

You yipped in excitement, the sound probably sounding more like a growl. Sam glared at you in alarm, but no one made any moves towards you. "I think she's excited," Rowena said, reaching down and patting your head. You weren't used to the touch but it felt nice, and you leaned into it, closing your eyes.

"Ingredients?" Sam asked, still eying you warily.

She sighed. "Sammy dear, patience. Let me figure things out and then we can talk about ingredients. Y/N's been a Hell hound for a long time, another day or two isn't going to hurt."

"Come, dearie," she told you. "Let's let the boys grumble and plan. You and I have work to do."

You politely followed her out of the library, back down the hallway to what seemed like a medical room. A couple of beds lined one wall, cabinets, and tables on the other. Rowena placed the book down on one table, pulling it closer to the last bed. "Up," she ordered, and you jumped. "First, I need some of those glasses those Winchesters are wearing."

She rifled through the cabinets, proudly pulling out a pair of silver square frames. "These will work," she muttered to herself before digging around some more. "And holy oil. Man, this place sure does have everything."

You laid down on the bed, your head resting on your paws as you watched her work. She mumbled under her breath, her curly black hair getting in her way as she worked. Flames lit up on the counter and she ran the glasses through them. Once they were extinguished, she slid the glasses on turning proudly back to you. "Oh, there you are. Such a blasted spell huh? Being transformed into anything is bad enough, but something as hideous and evil as a hell hound? How have you made it this long?"

She patted you on the head before sitting down gracefully in the rolling chair. She moved it until it was nestled between the bed and the table. "This might take a while, but with your help, I believe we can figure out how to make this spell work for us."

You yipped softly in agreement, watching the red-headed witch as she began searching once again through the book.

Time passed, even though as a hell hound time felt different. Rowena had worked hard, scribbling notes onto paper, mumbling under her breath. Sometimes she would rest her hand on the rough and scratchy fur that covered you. Other times she would stare directly into your eyes as if she could see into your soul.

She had nodded off about five minutes ago, and you needed to stretch and see if you could sneak out for a little bathroom break. Jumping off of the bed, you quietly padded to the door. Right might have brought you outside, but you could hear raised voices to the left.

Your curiosity got the better of you, and you headed towards the voices. It was Dean and his brother. "Sam, what's up with you? You've been grumpy, and shifty. Has it been too long since you've been laid?"

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just...since when have you been the first to trust someone? Specifically, someone that is involved with Demons?"

"I was wondering why you were so shifty around Y/N," Dean muttered. "Listen, I don't trust Demons as far as I can throw them. But Y/N, she's different. I can't explain it, but I can just sense it. And after all, she was spelled into this. So why can't we just give her the benefit of the doubt?"

Sam sighed. "I guess. It's just usually when we trust Demons it comes back to bite us in the butt."

"It won't happen this time," Dean promised. "Just give Y/N some time. And Rowena's working on the spell. Y/N could be human again before we know it."

You slowly came around the corner, your entire demeanor showing you meant no harm. "Y/N!" Dean exclaimed as you came to sit next to him, laying your head on his thigh. He held his hand over your head for a moment before lightly petting your head.

"Sam," Dean glanced over at his brother who still watched you carefully. "You're the dog person."

Sam sighed once again but slowly held his hand out towards you. You sniffed it, smelling nothing but gun powdered and ancient books. And kindness. You lifted your head, rubbing it against his hand. "I guess she's not too bad," Sam muttered. "But Dean, she's still your responsibility."

"Got it," Dean exclaimed, glad that everyone was finally on the same page.

You whined, standing up and walking towards the stairs, hoping they would get the message. "What's up?" Dean asked, making no move to get up from the table.

You whined again just as Rowena, came into the room Cas by her side.. "Dean, I believe she has to use the bathroom."

"How the hell do you know that?" Dean asked as he stood up.

"Glasses," she tapped the frame. "And it's just intuition, my dear. But why don't you take her outside for a bit? It will do both you and her good while I give my supply list to Castiel.

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