Part 8

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Your knees buckled under the unaccustomed two-legged standing, and if it wasn't for Dean you would have fallen hard to the floor. "What the...," he muttered, instinctively catching you and holding you in his arms.

The white sheet was still in his hands, slightly covering your exposed body as you shivered in his grasp. He sat you down on the edge of the table, taking the sheet and wrapping it around your shoulders, tucking it around your waist.

"Y/N?" He finally asked, and you nodded, opening your mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"What the hell happened? You were dying, and then...,"

With no voice quite yet, you shrugged, ecstatic to be human once again. "You know what, it doesn't matter. You're human again, and that's all that matters. Sam! Rowena! Cas! Come see this!"

His hand stayed on your shoulder as he turned to face the hallway just as Sam and Rowena came bursting through the doorway, Cas nowhere to be seen. "What?" They both asked. You could see the moment they noticed the human version of you. Sam's eyes widened while Rowena held a hand to her heart. "Y/N?" She asked cautiously and you nodded. Suddenly Dean was pushed out of the way and she was pulling you into her arms. "You poor thing. All naked and afraid with this giant...buffoon. Here, let me take you."

Before you could even glance at Dean, she was forcing you down the hallway on your shaky legs, talking so fast you couldn't wrap your mind around it. "Here dearie, this is my room. Sit a spell and I'll be right back."

You sank down on the matress, keeping the sheet tight around you. Soon she returned, her arms full of cloth along with a porcelain cup. "Thought you might like a cup of tea. And some clothes."

She placed a black t-shirt along with a grey pair of sweatpants onto the bed beside you. "Ach, I know. Not the greatest choice. But my dresses just wouldn't do, and until we can get you clothes of your own, we can make do."

She turned her back while I slipped the oversized clothes on. They were baggy, the sweatpants tied up as tight as they could, but they were warm, and soft against my skin.

"Better?" She asked, turning back around, handing me the warm mug. "Oh honey, I'm sorry you had to die to come back as human. If we had known at the beginning, well. Can you talk?"

You opened your mouth to speak, but it was only a whisper, barely intelligible, even to your ears. Rowena smiled wistfully. "It's understandable. After all, you haven't had to talk for many years. But don't you worry, it will come back. And thanks to you we can now put Lucifer back once and for all. Before he tries to kill me. Again."

You had heard of Lucifer, many times. But you had stayed clear of him, and anything to do with him as much as you could. But if they could lock him back up in the cage, that sounded great to you.

"Y/N?" Dean's voice rang out seconds before he pushed through the door, Sam right behind him.

Rowena sighed. "Not even a knock?"

Ignoring her, Dean came to stand in front of you. "Are you okay? Wait, are those my clothes?"

"Of course Dean. My dresses are custom made for my body. And the poor girl needed clothes!"

"D...Dean," you stuttered, the word barely a whisper, but stronger than before. Dean, with his keen hunter senses heard and sank down on the bed beside you. "I'm sorry she took off with you. Rowena can be...demanding."

Rowena rolled her eyes. "Dean, she needed a woman's touch. Not some lumberjacks."

You ignored Rowena's words, leaning against Dean's shoulder, instinctively feeling comforted by him. You were drawn to Dean. As a Hell hound, and now as a human once again. He was your constant when everything was so new and strange.

"Well the wee lass has definitely chosen you," Rowena sighed. "So I will just be on my way. I trust you two will contact me when it's time to complete the spell?"

"Don't venture too far away," Sam warned, taking her duffel bag and carry it for her. She turned to glance at you one last time.

"Don't you worry. While these men might look like towering lumberjacks, they mean well. You're safest with them." With those parting words she slipped out the door, leaving you alone with Dean once again.

"Why don't we get you settled in bed for the night. We can see what tomorrow brings," Dean suggested. "You can even sleep in here."

You peered around the room. It was simple and stark, with it's brick walls, old fashioned couch and furniture, and a freshly made bed. It was better than anything you had ever seen, the bed softer than anything you had ever slept on. "Here, stand up and we can get the sheets pulled down. The room is only two doors down from mine. Leave your door open and if you need anything you can just come get me."

You stood up, your body getting used to two legs once again. Dean pulled down the comforter and top sheet, and you slid in, the silkiness strange against your skin. He gently tucked the blanket around you. For a moment he stared down at you before finally heading to the door. "I have no idea what's going to happen, but I am glad you stumbled into our lives. Night Y/N."

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