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Y/n's POV:

Let's see how these bastards like it when I torture them....
I roamed around the facility, searching for any surprise attacks. And so far, I found nothing... I don't know what's worse, finding out that these people were into cults, or even fighting demons...

I swear even these bald headed idiots knows not to mess with something that they can't control, but I still have to find that bitch Olivia Pierce...
{Two Hours Later}

Y/n: *sighs* why did it have to end like this?

This should've never happened, it was supposed to be a simple job

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This should've never happened, it was supposed to be a simple job... Two years to stay here... Two fucking years and I could've went back home.. God I hate science...

Y/n: *sighs* why...?

I kept looking at the view, until I saw a pack of Cacodemons flying towards something. My guess is that they either found the Slayer... Or something else.

Y/n: found you assholes

I started to run into the directions of the Cacodemons. Passed through a couple of buildings to go into the courtyard and to only find... A damn Gore Nest...

Y/n: seriously.. another one?

I took a deep breath and slammed my hand into it's heart, forcefully pulling it out. I heard screaming from the nest and it exploded. Seeing their is multiple demons around me, I got ready for this fight

Y/n: alright ugly's, let's do this

They roared at me and started to run towards me, I kept my shield up and I ran towards them also. I slammed my shield into a couple of demons, forcing them to be pushed into the others. I stabbed a couple of demons, but some jumped on my shield, forcing my back to hit the wall. But I managed to break free and kill some more demons. I bashed my shield against some more demons, until I was thrown into by a Hell Knight. I landed on my feet and charged at the Hell Knight, it jumped into the air and tried to crush me. But I managed to dodge to the side and make it fall on its chest, it tried to get up but I managed to pin it and grabbed the back of it's head slamming it hard on the ground

 But I managed to dodge to the side and make it fall on its chest, it tried to get up but I managed to pin it and grabbed the back of it's head slamming it hard on the ground

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Y/n: piece of shit

By the time I turned around, another Hell Knight grabbed my head and threw me into the walls, leaving a huge crack. I groaned in pain, but I managed to keep my vision in check

Y/n: great, round two then

The Hell Knight charged at me and tried to shoulder charge at me, but I stopped it with my shield and bashed him against it's face, making it spit out blood and fall on its chest. It slowly got up and faced me, but I punched it in the face, making it fall on its chest again and slowly getting up. Giving me the opportunity to put both my hands together and slam it into it's back, ripping it apart

 Giving me the opportunity to put both my hands together and slam it into it's back, ripping it apart

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Y/n: Here's Johnny!

I backed away and it slowly fell on it's back, leaving a huge ass gap in it's back.

Y/n: I love being a Night Sentinel

I looked at the carnage around me, and I was relieved that I managed to live through it. I looked up at the sky and saw those same packs of Cacodemons...

Y/n: there you are *runs*
{Twenty more minutes later}

Y/n: damn... Where they go?

I looked around for the pack, and I couldn't believe that I lost them. I groaned frustrated, but then I found them again. They were definitely in a hurry to find whatever it is.

Y/n: found you *starts running*
Part 2 coming soon

The Forgotten Soldier (Doom x Male Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now