The End?

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Y/n's POV:

Now that I dealt with those things, I was on my way to see if I can find a spare ship. But I clearly doubt I'll find one. *Sighs* I'm totally heading to retirement after I get out of here...
My days here are numbered. I lost communication with Earth.... From Sarge, even the Doomslayer. And now I'm all alone.... But I also have a job to do, being a Marine.... And be a Night Sentinel
I searched everywhere, to find any survivors, any scientists or Marines.... And so far, I found no one. And it sucks.... Knowing that their families are gonna sad to hear about the deaths of their loved one's.
{Location: Excavation Site}

Y/n: what the Hell? *Shines flashlight*

Y/n: the lost artifact of the Sentinels

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Y/n: the lost artifact of the Sentinels....

I never thought the UAC would find anything like this, the piece of lost history of the Night Sentinels.... Then again, I shouldn't be surprised since it's a long lost history...

But then, I heard this rumbling noise. Like as a size of an earthquake

I saw everything falling. The Equipments, the debris's, everything was falling. And then.... I heard a voice:

???:{so you made this far?}

I looked around for the source of the voice, but I found nothing. I kept going deeper into the excavation, I walked through this dark flaming hallway and I see a torso that is just moving by itself, like as if it was alive...

Y/n: what in God's name?

I kept walking in this tiny hallway, I was starting to think that I was in Hell again. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't.... Either way, whatever is up ahead, I'm just gonna have to fight it. Fight to the Death I suppose....
{Five minutes later}

Managed to reach the bottom of the stairs, and by the time I reached, I hear this huge banging on the wall. The wall broke, making me move to the side. And when I walked outside, I saw something I never saw before....

Y/n: what the Hell?!--------------------------------------{Distant Future, two years later: Marine HQ}

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Y/n: what the Hell?!
{Distant Future, two years later: Marine HQ}

???: So what else happened Y/n?

Y/n: *looks up* and then I killed it
Y/n: Tell Satan I'm coming for him next! *Releases the SoulCube*

(Skip to 2:37)

And now, I saw it close.... Did I stop Hell forever? Did I close the portals, stopping the Legions of Hell? And it turns out.... I didn't stop it. I got sucked into a red portal, thrown into the facility again and then I saw.... Something new

 Something new

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Y/n: oh no.... Am I too late? Did I make things worse?
{Distant Future}

???: Hold on, go back for me y/n. You said you fought some "cybernized demon"? Is this some kind of joke to you?

Y/n: listen shitface, you have no idea what I saw down there. People I worked with are dead, I was barely lucky enough to even rescue Samantha Grimm. So don't tell if I'm making a joke, because I'm fucking serious.

??? 2: ok, well... Tell us more then, what else did you see down there? And what else can you tell us?

???: This guy is a joke. First he got promoted to Commander, and now he's insane

Y/n: I'm just gonna ignore you fucktard. But, all I can say.... UAC is not what you think it is
To Be Continued

The Forgotten Soldier (Doom x Male Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now