Chapter 9

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Luna's POV
I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face.
Emma was still in Miami with Jamie and I and Jack had a date yesterday.
A date!!!
I got up and took a shower and then I put on a white longer sleeve top with black stripes and black jeans with a blue denim jacket and a pair of sneakers with a small black bag.
   Where was I going to?!? I have no idea .
   I walked downstairs with a smile on my face to see Aunt Genevieve placing the food on the table and Jack was nowhere to be found.
    "Uhhh....Aunt Genny?" I called as she turned to me.
    "Wheres Jack?!"I asked as she said that he had already left for work.
    "Oh , what's for breakfast?" I asked Aunt Genevieve as she showed me.
   "Yam and egg sauce with coffee" she said as I sat down and started digging into it.
    After breakfast I started walking out of the house and I decided to pay Jack a visit in his Company.
    I got to the Frost Company and I entered in. I was about entering the Elevator when I saw Jack and Riley making out?!?!?
    I thought....... I thought ....... I guess yesterday meant nothing.
  My chest started aching I quickly ran out of the building and it took my medicine and it calmed down a bit.
     Yesterday meant nothing...... I should have known.
I went into the park and sat on a bench as I heard someone playing a guitar.
  I traced the sound till I got to another part of the park, A blonde haired guy who was in black was holding a guitar with headphones in his ear.

Sky's POV
I raised my head up to see a blonde haired girl staring at me .
   She looked very beautiful deep oceans eyes which you could drown in.
   I waved my hand and she sighted it and came over.
   "You play the guitar nicely" She said as she stretches her arm.
   "I'm Luna and you're..."She said and I cut her short
  "I'm Sky , nice to meet you"I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit.
   "You wanna hear me play something?" I asked as she nodded and I started playing.
I started playing "In the Dark by Camilla Cabello"
Sky - bold
  Blank stares , dateless vampires at the same places.
Shadows traces , I know that you feel me you're running running running running.
  Making the rounds with all your fake friends
  Running running away from me.
You can strip down without showing skin yeah.
I can see you're scared of your emotions I can see you're hoping you're not hopeless so why can't you show me ..why can't you show me...
I can see you're looking for distractions , I can see you're tired of the acting , so why can't you show me?!?!

  Who are you in the dark? I ..I
Show me the scary parts ,I...I
Who are you when it's three am and you're all alone ,And L.A doesn't feel like home ...I...I...I
Who are you in the dark.

"Wow that was impressive Luna"I commented on her singing as she just smiled and checked her watch.

"Oh my gosh , it getting late , I gotta go"She said as I nodded

"Can you at least give me your number??" I asked.

Jack's POV
I drove home as I passed through the park and then I saw Luna and some guy singing together and looking at each other.
   I got sooo angry and I held the steering wheel tightly.
  What is wrong with me?! I guess yesterday meant nothing..
  I drove home with anger boiling in me.

Luna's POV
We exchanged numbers and I was on my way home.
  Emma was coming home tomorrow and finally I would have company!!
  I got to the Frost Mansion and I went into my room and I drifted off to sleep.

Ashley:*drops pen and eats popcorn  🍿*Soo what do you guys think of this chapter?!?

Who this Sky and is Our Luna falling for him??!

Luna almost fainted again , luckily she had her chest medicine , Jack should be lucky...
Emma went to Miami with Jamie!!!

Riley and Jack were making out 🙄How could he?!?

Jack is getting jelly!!!! Are they going to fight??

Find out in Wife Of Frost

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Your Author,
Ashley ❄️

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