Chapter 4

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Luna POV
I woke up in the morning and I see someone staring at me and I go back to sleep.
Wait .... someone in my room!!??

"Aaaaah!!!!!"I screamed as the girl also screamed.

"Who are you!!?"I asked as she moved back raising her hands up.

"I'm Emma, your sister in law!" I glanced at her from head to toe.

"You don't look anything like Jack" I said as she sighed.

"I'm his step sister, siblings from different mothers" she said as she sat down on my bed .

She had brown hair unlike Jack who had blonde.
She looked a little like Jack and she was very pretty but not as pretty as Riley but I think Riley is all makeup and no natural.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked as she smiled and went into my closet.

"Well big brother thought maybe you would want to go to the gym or something.... So he called me to come accompany you."She said as she handed me some gym clothes and pushed me to the bathroom.

"So you mean whenever I need u I can just call?" I asked as she nodded .

"I already saved my number on ur phone as Sister in law, and besides who uses their name as their password , it sucks, change it"

She said as my mouth hanged in the air .

Note to self....must change password to something harder.

I put on my black sports bra and leggings with my white sneakers and my hair in a ponytail.

I went out of the room to see Emma in a matching set.

Emma's POV.

Luna came out of the bathroom in a matching sport wear with me.
And we headed downstairs.

Jack was having breakfast as he took a long glance at Luna and broke contact.

"Morning to u too" Luna mumbled angrily as she moved to the door.

I stared at my brother who didn't even steal a glance at his wife.

"Are u coming along?" I asked Jack as he raised his head looking at me then looking at Luna.

"NO" And he continued eating. I could see how Luna tensed up and was about to throw a fit and I dragged her out of the house along with our sports bag .

We got to the gym as we move to the acrobatics room .

Luna got on a pole barn and started doing flips.

Luna's POV.
I started doing flips as I heard a voice say.

"Isn't it the prostitute ,Luna ?"I was shocked as I lost grip on the pole and fell on the floor flat with my chest hitting the ground.

"Uhh..ahhh.." I groaned as Emma helped me up as I faced ....


Hans POV
I saw Luna who was looking radiant as ever..
She was a natural beauty... But she was a stubborn girl.

"Long time no see bitch! I never thought I'd see you in an elite gym like this, oh sorry my bad....I forgot you slept your way into here" I said as Luna tensed up .

I walked over and touched her face

"If only you had just stayed with me.." I said as she replied.

"I'd rather stay with a criminal that stay with you" She said as I slapped her and her friend gasped

"My parents never slapped me, my friends never slapped me, even my husband dare not slap me but u!!!" She said angrily as she punched my face and kicked me where the sun don't shine.

The other guys I came with were beaten up to a pulp.

Luna was married?!? Who in their right state of mind would marry this psycho bitch?!

As she was about to throw me another punch, two muscular hands held her tight.

Jack POV
I didn't want to go to the gym, but just because my wife was there didn't mean I would lose shape .

So I went into the gym and I heard sounds in the acrobatics room , people were gathering and I pushed my way in to see Luna beating up some guys and Emma sitting down at the other side making a video.

I held Luna with my arms and whispered softly into her ears.

"Hey it's okay now." She flinched as she released herself from my grip

"I'm calm , I'm calm " she said as I let her go , I was about leaving when I heard one of the guys groan .

Luna was still beating them up.

And then I dragged her out of the gym . luckily I was wearing a hoodie so no one would recognize me.

"What the hell Luna!!" I shouted at her as she gasped seeing my face.

"You said you weren't coming" she said trying to change the topic.

"Stop trying to change the topic I said as I grabbed her arm .

"Ouch!!" She winced in pain as I soften my grip from her arm.

"What's wrong?!" I asks as she fainted into my arms.

I quickly tell Emma that I had taken Luna home.

And I rushed her to the Frost mansion .
And u might ask , why didn't I take her to the hospital.

I have a family doctor and if I take her to the hospital they would find out she's my wife and I don't want that to happen yet ...


Ashley: *drops pen * Soo what do u guys think about this chapter?!

What do you think happened to our Luna?!?

Hans revealed that our Luna is a psycho, is that true?!?

Emma is Jack step sister,wait till we dig her past.

Luna has some anger issues , is she really a psycho??!

Jack might be falling for Luna, do u think so? Meh I don't.

Stay tuned to read more from Wife of Frost.
Please check out my other books and don't forget to :




Yours sincerely.
Ashley ❄️

Wife Of Frost (Completed)✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz