Chapter 3

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9:00 pm
Luna POV

I already got to the frost mansion without Jack. Aunt Genevieve told me he left for something important.

None of my business...

I changed into one of my PJ's and I jumped on my king sized bed but I like to call it Queen sized bed.

I brought out my newly bought laptop, that Jerk frost sent his secretary to give me an unlimited credit card and devices .

I felt like calling him and asking him to come home this instant.

""Shut up!!! Just because you are my wife doesn't mean anything, anything at all , Riley is my business and not urs"

I remember his exact words as it haunted me.
I closed my laptop and drifted off to sleep.

10:30 pm
Jack POV

I drove my sport car into the mansion as the nightlight were on.
And I went into the mansion and the butler and Aunt Genevieve were standing near the door.

"Where is she?"I ask as Aunt Genevieve pointed upstairs as I nodded.

"Did you guys fight?" Aunt Genevieve asked as I didn't respond and went upstairs to my room.

I passed by Luna's room as I sighed as I tried opening her door as it was locked.

Well...she should really mind her business..

Wife Of Frost (Completed)✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon