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She had no idea how long they had been standing there like that, huddled together as if nothing in the world existed but the two of them, but slowly, inexorably, the realisation dawned that they weren't alone on this date. They had two friends with them who were inside the restaurant, probably wondering by now where on earth they'd gotten to. Or maybe not? Maybe they were forgetting time too?
"We should head inside." she said softly against Eli's shoulder.
She felt rather than saw his nod.
"Yeah, we should." His voice was soft and warm. "This has been awesome though, Anna."
She lifted her head to look up at him and smiled.
"It has. You... you make me feel very safe."

She didn't have any idea where that even came from, but as the sentence left her lips she knew that it was true.
His face lit up at her words, and those little lights danced in his eyes again. Anna really liked those twinkling lights.
"Good." he whispered then. "I like keeping you safe."

Anna shook her head slightly in disbelief as he turned and she followed him back into the restaurant.
Had she really just said that? Had he really just said that, and had she liked it?
"Hey, there they are!" James called out from the corner. "We were starting to think you'd gone home or something!"
And she would have felt guilty about abandoning them, but the smirk on his amused face told a very clear story about what he really felt about their absence. She smiled as she pictured the conversation the boys would have on their way home. Would Eli tell him what happened outside? And what would James have to say about Sarah?

They ate two portions of tiramisu between the four of them, and then they paid, left the restaurant and walked the city's ancient streets together. The banter was light and carefree, just as a group of young adults should be, really. And in this atmosphere, with Eli's jacket draped warmly around her shoulders again, even Anna could let go of all that had happened this week, could just enjoy the company and the jokes, as the night fell over the city like a blanket. 

"So, do you want to go to a bar?" Sarah asked them all after a while, and really, Anna didn't need to have any weird whacky seeing powers to interpret the current look on Sarah's face. In fact, she almost giggled as she saw Sarah's imploring eyes, but she kept it together.
"Nah, I think I should be heading home, if that's cool with you guys." she said then, her tone very carefully neutral, smiling the smallest of smiles at her friend. She would have winked as well, had they been alone.
"Aw, that's a shame." Sarah responded, incredibly unconvincingly, and she turned to James and cocked her head ever so slightly.
"Sure, Sarah, I'll come with you!" he enthused, and he wasn't even looking at Eli, who grinned softly now.

"Okay, you guys go then, and I'll take Anna home."
Eli's voice was calm and sure, and Anna quickly nodded her assent.
But Sarah looked straight at her for just a moment then, and her eyes were probing, wondering, making sure.
"You going to be okay?" she asked.
"Yeah, absolutely." Anna smiled as she stepped forward to hug her, and so she could whisper in her ear.
"Have fun." she breathed. "Be safe, okay?"
Sarah pulled away and smiled coyly.
"Will do. Love you."
Anna quickly gave her friend a kiss on the cheek. "Love you too."

Anna and Eli stood together on the pavement and watched their friends walk off in what was very clearly the direction of Sarah's house.
"Wow, I wonder which bar they're going to." Eli remarked in the most deadpan of voices, and Anna burst out laughing.
"Yeah, it's a mystery. So, ferry?"
Eli nodded as he touched her shoulder lightly.
"Yes, ferry."

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