EM residents always had to make it almost an hour before their shift actually started because no one knew who would show up at the hospital in an emergency and their department had to be the first one present at the scene.

Jisoo didn't mind that in the least, if it were up to her she would never go back to home to that monster of a father she had. Even today she had made sure to cook him breakfast and leave the house before he woke up. Before he decided to subdue his hangover by having a go at Jisoo.

He had been pissed drunk these passed days and usually to Jisoo's luck she would always find him passed out on the check and she preferred it that way.

Jisoo had to stop gloating before she ruined the day for herself but still nothing could wipe out that stupid grin that spread over her features making her look years younger and more lively as she raced to the bus stop with a bouquet of flowers in her hand very much like a school girl.

She was so lost in her own world that didn't notice how the people gave her looks or how some men ogled her unfortunately for her she didn't notice those strange pair of eyes fixated on her either.


"What's your deal?" Sooyoung questioned making Jisoo jump slightly.

Jisoo quickly stuffed all the contents of her purse back inside and bent to reach for her lipstick that had rolled a bit further on the bathroom counter but Sooyoung quickly grabbed it before she could.

"Hmmm, let's see what we've got here..," Sooyoung drawled waving the lipstick in front of Jisoo's face and narrowing her eyes at her.

"Are you -- are you wearing make-up, Jisoo?!" Sooyoung asked incredulously and her mouth formed a perfect 'O'.

Jisoo snatched the lipstick out of her hand and scowled. "So what? I can't?"

Sooyoung placed a hand over her mouth dramatically and pretended to wipe a tear with the other.

"My Jisoo has grown so much, I'm so proud!" She cried, throwing herself at Jisoo. Squeezing the air out of her with her giant limbs.

"I'm older than you cut it out!" Jisoo snapped, pinching Sooyoung's back making her jump away from her. Jisoo sighed in relief finally able to breathe again.

Sooyoung made a face at her and placed a hand on her hips, drawing her brows together. "I smell something fimiliar..," She looked around and sniffed the air ridiculously making Jisoo want to slap her. "The smell of young love and..first dates!"


She crossed her arms, eyeing Jisoo from head to toe. Jisoo sighed once again, she had no choice but to tell this dork everything before she tortured it out of her. She looked at Sooyoung to find her raising an eyebrow at her. Jisoo face palmed herself and gestured at the door.

"Well, can we at least step out of here before that?"

Sooyoung grinned grabbing Jisoo's forearm in one hand and grabbing her handbag in the other, hauling her outside.

"Damn, you really talked without slapping the shit out of him?"

"For the hundredth time Sooyoung there was no need for me to 'beat his ass'. We both talked it out like grown-ups." Jisoo gritted out after she had retold the events of last night to Sooyoung - leaving the part where she practically had a breakdown in the middle of the street - she kept insisting Jisoo shouldn't have apologised and instead 'teared him a new one' on the spot.

Obsession | NCT MAFIA SERIES #2Where stories live. Discover now