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"Hi Marcus" I plopped down beside him, I received a small 'hello' in return

I leaned over his shoulder and looked at what he was reading, "So what are you reading?"

"History" he said simply, he seemed a little distant after the hug, I wanted to comfront him but I didn't want to be too nosey

"Hey Delilah?" Bella called me, "Can you come with renesmee to the reservation, I'm a little busy and I want you to meet the pack" after she said pack Aro and Cauis immediately appeared and Marcus suddenly lost interest in his book

"The wolves?" Cauis glared at Bella, "She will not go anywhere near those savages" Aro declared

"They're not actual wolves, they're shape-shifters who happens to turn into wolves" I said, I stood up

"We will come" Marcus stood up as well, I shook my head "You can't, we have a treaty with the wolves, I can come because I am human and Renesmee can as well because she is Jacob's imprint" I spoke for Belle seeing as she was terrified to speak back to them

They shook their head simultaneously "We will not leave you at the hands of those mutts" Cauis spat out

"Why are you so worried anyway? I'll be fine"I said, I walked closer to Renesmee and gently held her hand

"Because you are our ma-"Aro cut Cauis off "We are simply worried for your safety mia regina" I was confused at what he called me, but I ignored just as I did with what Cauis and Marcus called me before

"You don't have to be, we'll be fine"I replied then I pulled Renesmee out the door where we saw Jacob and another guy standing outside waiting for us

"Let's go?" Jacob asked, I nodded then they took their shirts off, I quickly avert my eyes "What are you doing?"

"We're not walking there" the other guy shrugged "Can I atleast know your name?" I asked with my eyes still averted

"My name's Embry" he said, I slowly looked at him in the eyes, avoiding looking down

I turned back to the house and saw the kings watching us closely with scowls on their faces, mostly Cauis

I shrugged and walked closer to the duo, Renesmee immediately ran towards Jacob

"Shall we go milady"Embry bowed with his right hand on his chest and his left outstretched towards me

I giggled and joined in, I gently place my right hand on his left and curtsied "We shall kind sir"

He stood up straight and gave me a bright smile then he transformed into his wolf from, I backed away a little

I turned and saw Renesmee was already on Jacob's back, he was already in his wolf form and was waiting for us

I walked closer to Embry and then I heard three growls coming from inside the house, I turned my head to look at it and saw Emmett, Jasper and Carlisle with the four other vampires which I know as Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix trying to hold back the three kings

Embry nudged me using his head and gestured for me to get on, I turned back to the kings, feeling like I should stay and calm them down

But I hopped on Embry's back instead, I wrapped my hands around his neck then he ran forward as did Jacob

They were very fast, maybe even faster than the vampires, I held on tightly to avoid falling

We reached the treaty line and Embry jumped over it, I let out a startled yelp

Embry and Jacob howled and in a few minutes we reached the reservation due to their speed

Once we stopped Renesmee jumped off Jacob's back and began running towards the house, I followed her closely

Embry and Jacob ran away, probably to change back, I entered the house and was immediately hit with the smell of muffins and cookies which made my mouth water

"Hi you must be Delilah" a voice said from behind me, I turned around to be faced with a woman with scars on her face it didn't make her look unattractive it made her look strong and even more beautiful

She gasped "You really look like her" I wasn't confused anymore, since Carlisle explained to me

"Yes, yes I am" I smiled "I'm Emily, Sam's imprint" I was told that imprints were like mates for wolves

"Nice to meet you Emily" I offered her my hand which she happily took, she didn't let go and pulled me towards the kitchen, she pulled out a basket full of cookies and muffins

"Here, take this, I managed to save some before the boys ate it all" only then I noticed the rest of the pack devouring the muffins and cookies on a large table

I smiled in thanks and took the small basket, I looked around for Renesmee and spotted her with Jacob, I sat beside her

"Hey Delilah, do you remember me?" I looked up to be met with a girl with short black hair "Uh sorry, have I met you before?"

"So it is true, you can't remeber" she crossed her arms, "Leah, she doesn't know" I heard a boy whisper softly at her, even if he whispered I still heard him

But I didn't question it, "Hi I'm Seth" the boy sweetly smiled at me, I smiled back and said "I'm Delilah"

Okay so this chapter isn't my best because I'm honestly lost on what to write next

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