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"Oh dear diary,
he is smiling and I am melting."

And there it is, a simple notification of a follow request. As Zeya stared at the notification on her phone screen, her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't help but feel like she was living in her own personal snow globe, with every nerve tingling with excitement and apprehension. Some might call her dramatic, but how could she not be when the one she'd secretly harbored feelings for, the one who had never even noticed her before, suddenly appeared in her notifications?

Manifestation? fate?

She scrolled through her social media notifications again, her heart skipped a beat when she saw his name on it, how badly had she manifested it. She had always thought he would remain as a mere crush for her who never knew her till the end of her college life but here we go, never in her life she had thought this would happen.

But amid the excitement, there was a pang of embarrassment. She was certain someone had spilled the beans about her crush. Oh, the mortification!

"JUST accept it already, Zeya!" Azra's voice cut through the chaos, a beacon of reason.

"But it's too soon! I can't just dive into this." Zeya hesitated, feeling the weight of the moment.

Azra rolled her eyes. "Don't be a party pooper! You've already laid your heart on the line once. Just own it!"

With a groan, Zeya relented. "Fine, fine, I'll accept it. But if this backfires, you owe me a lifetime of ice cream."

Azra grinned. "Deal! Now hit that accept button before I do it for you!"

With a playful eye roll, Zeya chuckled nervously and tapped the accept button with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. As the notification vanished, she felt a surge of adrenaline rush through her veins. It was done. Her crush was now officially following her on social media. she couldn't shake the feeling that she had just stepped onto a rollercoaster with no idea where it was going.

" Oh my gosh, Zeya, this is it! Your crush has finally noticed you. It's like a modern fairytale" Azra clapped her hands with excitement.

Zeya couldn't help but laugh at Azra's enthusiasm. "Yeah, except in this fairytale, I'm the clumsy princess who's probably going to trip over her own feet."

"Well, then consider me your fairy godmother, here to sprinkle some confidence dust on you!" Azra said grinning.

"I think I'll need more than just confidence dust to navigate this situation." Zeya chuckled.

Azra winked. "Don't worry, I've got a whole toolbox of social media spells up my sleeve."

Zeya raised an eyebrow. "Social media spells? Is that like when you accidentally send a heart emoji instead of a thumbs up?"

Azra gasped dramatically. "Exactly! Or when you accidentally like a photo from 2015 and then have to unlike it to play it cool."

"Oh man, no not the 2015 like,  that's the top tier of nightmares" Zeya said shaking her head.

"Anyways, this is really something, Zeyy. Crushes rarely notice the ones crushing on them. But hey, at least he knows now. I'm excited to see what happens next."" Azra chuckled looking a t Zeya who let out a nervous laugh.

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