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"Oh dear diary,
I get jealous of a stranger, who may see his eyes and fall in love with them"

" Bro, for the past one year I have never seen this human in college and now all I see everywhere is him" Zeya shook her head in distress as the day she got a crush on this guy, after that day she see him everywhere she go.

what in the what is going on.

" I am telling you, I see him one more time I am gonna assume he is the one. The universe is scream" her words got stuck in her throat, and her steps got halted just inches away from the water dispenser.

There he was standing along with his friend, leaning back to the railing near to it and he had a constant smile lingering on his face listening to whatever his friend was saying.

him and his obsession of leaning back to the railing.

" Zey baby, if you stand here looking like a living clown he might take you as a creepy woman" Azra nudged her while she was out from her stance.

"Azra, should I go back or front? god, I don't even know what to do" Zeya said while standing near to the pillar.

" Calm down woman, let's walk across them. I am 100% sure you will die if you drink water in front of him or worse to happen you might spit on him. So let's atleast walk like a normal human beings" Azra whispered, her voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Zeya nodded, trying to steady her racing heart as they began to walk past him and his friend. With each step, she could feel her inside getting cold and she was even getting nausea god knows why. She stole a quick glance in his direction and their eyes met for a brief second and she could sense a small smile on his lips, like a very slight. Her cheeks flushing crimson at the mere eye contact.

Zeya once reached the outside of her class, hugged Azra like a teeny girl in love.

" Haww, Zeya you are literally fallen head over heels for a guy who doesn't even know your existence" Azra chucked looking at her best friend who was still a blushing mess.

"Man, I know its a crush, but why am I not crushing on my another 30th guy? why am i still stuck in this one random human that I fell for within a 0.5 sec? just why?" Zeya let out an exaggerated groan, clutching her stomach dramatically. "Azra, I think I'm gonna be sick," she said dramatically, leaning against the wall for support.

Azra rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a laugh. "Oh, come on, Zey, it's just a crush," she said, shaking her head. "You're not gonna hurl just because Mr.green guy flashed you a smile."

But Zeya wasn't convinced, her face a comical shade of green as she fanned herself with her hand. "You don't understand, Azra," she insisted, her voice trembling with mock horror. "I think I'm suffering from a severe case of crush-induced nausea. It's a real medical condition, I swear."

Azra couldn't help but burst into laughter at her friend's antics, wrapping her in a playful hug. "You're ridiculous, you know that?" she chuckled, shaking her head. "But hey, if this crush is making you this queasy, maybe it's a sign that he's the one. Or at least the one you should avoid at all costs."

Zeya grinned despite herself, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. "Thanks, Azra," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "I may be a lost cause when it comes to love, but at least I have you to keep me sane...ish."

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