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" The patient is fine, his head injuries aren't very serious but he might need a few weeks of rest." The doctor said, soothing her heart.

She sat on the corner of the bench, her palms coverimg her face and the flashback of whatever happened on the past days came running into her mind. Rehan, his betrayal and his eyes when she said it's over. Even after the biggest betrayal she got from the person who owned her heart she couldnt just hate him. All she wanted to was be in his embrace forgetting about everything that happened.

"Yara?" A gentle voice interrupted her thoughts, a lady doctor placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes," she replied, her eyes reflecting her pain, her once bright face now dimmed.

"The patient is calling for you," the doctor informed her, urging her to go inside.

Each step towards his room felt heavy, a reminder of the pain she carried. Once, she had sought solace in Rehan's presence, but now, it only brought more turmoil.

Entering the room, she saw him lying on the bed, vulnerable and fragile. Despite the hurt, her heart ached at the sight of him in pain. Sitting beside him, she struggled to find the right words

" Rehan" She whispered softly, her gaze fixed on the bandages wrapped around her head.

" Yara" His voice was barely above a whisper.

For a moment, they simply gazed at each other, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.

" I am sorry" Rehan finally spoke, apart from the physical pain, the emotional pain was worse.

" I know" Yara replied quietly, not having the heart to hurt him furthermore.

" I never meant to hurt you" Rehan continued, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.

" You shouldn't stress yourself Rehan. You need rest, please rest." Yara said trying her best to not sound rude, but his expressions already change into a sad one.

" I am already suffering because of the tears I caused you. Please forgive me Yara, please don't stop loving me" The last words came out of him as a small whisper but she heard it, and it broke her stupid heart.

" There will never be another you and me Rehan. It's over the minute your eyes found another girl. I can never come back to you now or ever, there's too much damage you caused that can never be fixed." She said trying her best to be strong but the moment she realized it's all over she couldn't help but cry.

" Why did you do it Ren? We were so happy, maybe you weren't but I was. I was so happy with you Ren, you were my comfort place, my home. How am I, how..... how am I supposed to let go of the person who felt like home? It's too cruel." She was biting her lower lip so hard no to sob.

" Give me a chance Yara, one chance. Just let me love you again, just love me again" His bandaid hands found her trembling one, while she didn't had the energy to sway him away.

" I can't, I can't Ren. There's no space in me to forgive you. The pain is too much. I could have forgave you for anything but not this." She said with so much of pain.

" How am I supposed to live?" He breathed out.

" Just like you did all the time, seeing her behind my back." Her words came out harsh.

" Are you giving upon us Yara? You made me promise to you no matter what happened, I should make you stay and never let you go." He said, his eyes had a small light of hope.

She paused, her eyes watered at the mere remembrance of what he said.

" Ren, if ever there comes a day where I try to give upon you or leave you make me stay, okay? Don't ever give upon us, Ren" Yara said, her eyes on their intertwined hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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