Boy Meets Theater (Preview)

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(A/N: So I've pretty much been working all week but I've slowly but surely been writing this chapter for you guys that will be published right before Girl Meets Creativity. It is completely an original chapter and will mainly feature original characters I will try to get Girl Meets Hurricane up tomorrow though and I have BIG plans for that chapter but until then enjoy this Boy Meets Theater  Preview!!!)

It was Monday and Zay and I were sitting in our theater class, my last class of the day, awaiting the arrival of our new theater teacher. It was just recently announced that our former teacher, Mr. Conrad, had got a job teaching theater at a performing arts school in Hollywood, California, and jumped at the opportunity. I don't blame him. Honestly it would be amazing to go to a school where we don't have to build our own sets and get volunteers for sound and lighting. Also between Amelia's mean girl meltdowns, Harper's sassy remarks, and Zay always cracking jokes I'm surprised he didn't leave sooner. The class was a wild mix of personalities and it showed. Zay, the rest of my classmates and I currently sat chatting about Mr. Conrad leaving.

"Did you guys here what happened to Mr. Conrad?" Jacob Dillion asked, tossing a football in the air. Jacob was the "IT" boy. He played football, basketball, and baseball all while having pretty decent grades and being one of the top males in our theater department. He was annoyingly perfect. "Yeah, the dude finally bailed on us." Harper Cosette replied, with an eye roll and checking her nails. Harper was a bold personality with an even bolder voice, but sometimes it was too bold for theater. She could almost never get the roles she deserved because she couldn't play Glinda from Wicked or Maria from The Sound of Music. She was a powerhouse vocalist though with amazing stage presence and acting ability.

"We're supposed to get a new teacher today. Or so I've heard." Alex Murphy said, then shrinking back in his seat and burying his face in a book on his desk. Alex was the shy, quiet guy who was always in theater but never auditioned for main roles. He always wanted to do lights and / or sound. "Yeah, according to the school's website her name is Cadence Adwin and this is her first year teaching at a school." Mariana Castro said, with her phone in her hand typing fast. Mariana was incredibly smart and was decently talented but wasn't a showstopper. She always was assistant director because she was level headed and knew how to nicely put people in their place.

"Ah, Fresh blood, she'll be casting me faster than I can hit my first high C." Amelia Carter said, singing a brief "C6" before giving a smirk. Amelia was the classic theater Mean girl. She got the lead in most of the shows because Mr. Conrad was always afraid to tell her no. She was talented but wasn't the best singer in the class. She had obviously been trained for the stage her whole life so she gave off an air of superiority. "Alright, calm down Mariah Scary." Harper said, clearly annoyed.

"Do you think she'll be cute?" Zay asked, giddily thinking about the teacher. "I hope she is just as great as Mr. Conrad." I replied to Zay. They class of twenty four students broke out into chatter about the new teacher. Suddenly, a tall light skinned black woman with curly black hair and brown highlights walked in. The sound of her clicking heels caused all sound in the room to hush.

She sat a brief case down on the desk in the front of the room, wrote Ms. Cadence on the black board, and underlined it. She gave us a gentle smiled and started talking. "2006. A year of exploration and new discovery. Pluto was discovered to be a dwarf planet and Google Purchased YouTube making it one of the most popular websites on the internet. Movies and Tv shows such as: The Pink Panther, Malcom in the Middle and Everybody hates Chris were thriving while Musical artists like Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Bon Jovi, and System of a Down were at the TOP  of their game." Cadence Adwin began, nervousness or shyness not being evident in her voice.

"I thought this was theater not history." Zay said, leaning over to me but being loud enough that the entire class heard. " Yeah, I didn't join this class to learn a bunch of names and dates. I joined to be better than these nobodies. " Amelia said, disgust In her voice looking around the room. " In order to accurately portray a show you need to recognize what was going on during the time it was created. With that being said It's Fall Musical time! And The Musical I have gotten approved this year is.... drumroll please...." Ms. Cadence said, with excitement. Jacob pulled drumsticks out of his backpack and gave a drumroll on his desk. He earned a shocked look and a chucked from our new teacher. "High School Musical!" Ms. Cadence said with excitement. Everyone groaned except Amelia.

(A/N: Did you guys like the new characters and Zay's appearance in the preview? ? Also What do you think of the new theater teacher? Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will see you guys in the next update.)

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