Girl Meets Pluto

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"Somebody read that." Dad said. " 'History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.' - Winston Churchill." I said. "And he did. Who's gonna write their own history here? What is history? I keep forgetting." Dad stated. "History is time passing." I told him. "Oh, yeah? How much time? Someone once said, '100 years from now, all new people'." Dad told us. "100 years." Maya said, raising her hand. "Wrong." Dad told her. "You set me up." Maya  said to him. "When should you guys begin to make your own history?" dad asked. "Right now." Riley answered. "Good. So today we're talking about Winston Churchill. When the new people come, how do you want them talking about you?" dad asked. "Nicely?" Riley asked. "How long do we have before history makes its decision about us?" Maya asked. "What if they're writing it down now?" Farkle asked. "Doesn't matter. Chapter one, introduction. Please read." Dad said pointing at Riley.

" 'There is a comfort in knowing that history is fixed. You can no sooner change history than you can changed the nine planets in our solar system from Mercury to Pluto.' " Riley read from the chapter. "Oh." The class minus Riley said in realization. "What?" Riley asked. "Nice job, Mr. Matthews." Lucas said. "What'd he do?" Riley asked. "He just showed us history books can be wrong. You can change history." I told her. "I don't get it." Riley said. "How can she not know?" Mason asked. "Look at the bird!" Maya exclaimed pointing in a random direction. Riley turned around looking for the non existent bird.

"She doesn't know because she has us." Maya explained to Mason. "The Riley Committee." Farkle stated. "A committee to keep information away from Riley that might crush her." I added. "Like what?" Lucas asked. "Everything really." Farkle answered. "Listen, this committee can't protect her for the rest of her life. She's getting too smart." Dad said, joining our conversation. "She's looking for a bird." Farkle replied. We all looked at Riley who was still looking for the 'bird'."Well, someone's gotta tell her." Dad told us. "You do it." I told him. "Nah... You two do it!" he said pointing at Maya and I.

"Hi, sweetie." Maya said to Riley. "Hey, my little gummy bear." I said to Riley. "Peaches." She said to Maya. "Big brother." she said, looking at me with an innocent smile.  "I can't do this."  I said looking at my father. "Oh yes you will!" he exclaimed. "Fine." I groaned. "See, we've all been protecting you from something." I told her. "You know Pluto?" Maya asked her. "Pluto? I love Pluto. Everybody knows that. Pluto's a little cutie-pie. The smallest planet with the biggest heart. I love Pluto so much, I would kiss it on the face." Riley explained.

"Not doing it!" Maya exclaimed. "You're doing it!" he retorted. "Honey?" Maya and I said to Riley. "Peaches? Big brother?" She replied. "Pluto is not a planet anymore." Maya told her, slowly. "What's that you say?" Riley asked. Maya looked at me for further explanation. "They made a scientific discovery that Pluto's not a planet anymore." I explained. "Will you be okay?" Maya asked. "I'm fine. I am too old now to flip over something like that. Dad, please continue." Riley told us.  "You sure, baby sis?" I asked. "Please, continue." Riley repeated.

"Okay. All right, guys, so, we're talking about who we are now, and who we hope to be someday. How will we write our own history and decide what's important to us?" dad asked. "They found a 100-year-old time capsule in Boston last week. Could we do one of those?" Farkle asked. "I love that idea, Farkle." Dad told him. "In fact, we did one of those when I was in high school. We were gonna see what became of us in 15 years Wait a minute... we were gonna to see what became of us right now. 15 years is right now. We were gonna go back and see how much we've changed." Dad said. "Yeah I hope some of us never change." I said with a smile looking over at my sister.
We were sitting in Topanga's and all of had our objects we would put in the time capsule. "How can they just do that? She works her whole life to become a planet, and then it's just taken away from her. Do our hopes and dreams even matter?" Riley asked. "Well, in 15 years, we're gonna find out." Lucas said, holding a buffalo nickel. "A buffalo nickel. That's what you're putting in the time capsule?" Farkle asked him. "Yeah, my grandfather gave it to me for... Anyway, my grandfather gave it to me." Lucas said, stopping once he looked at me.  "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, for what? Pappy Joe gave it to you for what?" I asked with a smile. "Don't call his grandfather pappy Joe." Riley told me. "It was actually pappy Joe." Lucas stated. "You knew that?" Riley asked. "Eh, it would've been anything I said." I replied.

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