Chapter Twelve - The Food

Start from the beginning

Her eyes widened when she saw Jotaro in front of her, taking out he's wallet. Is he buying me food? At that thought, (Y/N) jumped and grabbed the boy's arm, stopping him from taking out his money. "Jotaro, you don't have to buy me food, I was just looking, that's all!" she said smiling awkwardly.

"You're hungry, right?" he asked with a neutral face. (Y/N) looked at him, then at the ground. She felt bad for taking advantage of Jotaro's money like that.

The food the bulky guy had ordered came. "That will be 1200 rupees." the Indian man working there said tiredly, handing Jotaro a casserole.

Before he could hand in the money, (Y/N) spoke. "W-wait! At least let me pay!" She was still clinging onto Jotaro's arm, trying to stop him, even though she knew she couldn't.

The black haired student stared at the girl with a blanc look for a moment, then simply turned back and took his order. "No." Jotaro said giving the money to the man.

Once they both went back to Kakyoin, who was just as confused as (Y/N) was, Jotaro decided that they should go and find a place to sit and eat in peace.

Sitting on some stairs, Jotaro handed (Y/N) the casserole. She was staying between the two guys, both looking at her. The girl opened the package, finding inside three tasty-looking chicken legs. "Jotaro, you really didn't have to..."

"Eat." the student ordered. "It's getting cold." His voice sounded worriedly. Jotaro put his hat over his eyes and whispered to himself a "yare yare daze".

(Y/N) sighed taking the plastic fork that came with the food. Before starting eating, an idea hit her. "Will you at least eat with me?" she asked the guys. Both of them looked at eachother, then back at the girl. "There are three chicken legs, each of us can have one!" Jotaro frowned, but (Y/N) noticed that. "Please!" she asked one more time. "I know you bought it for me, but I can't let you watch me eating, without you two doing so as well!"

After another long stare, Jotaro finally approved (Y/N's) idea. The girl let the fork down, taking the chicken with her hand. "What are you doing?" Kakyoin asked taking one as well.

"There's only one fork, so I'm not going to use one either!"

Without any more questions nor objections, the three students started eating the Indian food Jotaro had bought. It was the greatest food (Y/N) had had in days, so she felt so happy being able to finally eat peacefully. After finishing her chicken leg and wiping her mouth and hands, she looked at Jotaro smiling. "Thank you so much for this, Jotaro-kun!"

The tough boy's eyes widened. He looked away slightly flushed and acted like he was choking on a piece of chicken, so (Y/N) wouldn't notice it. Kakyoin, realizing what was actually going on, chuckled.

"A-are you alright?" the girl asked worriedly. She looked back at the pink haired guy, while Jotaro was still coughing. "Don't laugh, he's choking!" This time, he was actually choking. After being patted on his back, the student finally managed to breathe freely again.

It didn't take too long for Kakyoin and Jotaro to finish their food as well, so after a while they started walking back. They hadn't gone too far from where they had to meet with Polnareff, Mr. Joestar and Nena, so it wasn't a lot of trouble. However, when they finally saw the two other men running in their direction, they understood that something actually had happened. Taking the first car they found, the five drove to the sea side. On their way, while (Y/N) was healing the old man's minor wounds, the students found out the fact that Nena had actually been the user of the Stand that had attacked Mr. Joestar.


The view was absolutely beautiful. (Y/N), leaning with her back on the stolen car, was peacefully watching the clear night sky, reflecting into the water, creating one of the most beautiful landscapes the girl had ever seen. The moon was glowing above them, being the only source of light they had at that moment.

On the other hand, Kakyoin who was right next to her, sighed. "And here I thought we'd finally be able to sleep in a bed tonight..."

Jotaro immediately approved. "If the old man hadn't showed up, we wouldn't be out here hiding from the cops..."

They both looked so disappointed, (Y/N) tried to cheer them up a little bit. "At least we get to have this beautiful view..." She smiled and went to seat down on the sand next to Polnareff. "I never thought I'd see something like this during this trip..." She brought her knees to her chest and hugged them, enjoying the night until Mr. Joestar appeared.

"I took care of things, we can get this car." the old man said coming right next to the two male students.

(Y/N) got up as soon as she heard that they were leaving. She couldn't say she was happy to leave that beach, she actually preferred to spend the night sleeping on sand rather than in a car. She sighed.

Mr. Joestar threw the car's keys at Polnareff, the French guy catching them. "You're driving, Pol!" Jotaro's grandfather said getting inside the car.

Before they all got into the car, (Y/N) managed to find some courage to grab Jotaro by his sleeve. He turned around, looking down at the girl. "What?" he asked simply, raising one eyebrow.

"I know I'm usually the one staying in the middle, but could you give me the window seat this time? I just want to admire the night's sky some more, that's all..." (Y/N) said in a low voice, hopelessly waiting for him to refuse her once again.

"Fine, you can take it." he responded, turning back to the car. With a slight smug face, he thought about the reason he had accepted to change seats: as long as she was staying only next to him and not Kakyoin as well, he was happy. He didn't quite know why that was his reason though, but he had a small hunch that he ignored.

However, (Y/N) was in shock. How in the world had she made Jotaro accept switching seats with her so easily? She was staying in the middle of the way, with her mouth slightly open, probably waiting for someone to pinch her, so she could wake up. Even if that was reality, she had sworn she'd never understand what's going on in that guy's mind.

Once they all got into the car and Polnareff started driving, (Y/N), even though she wasn't sitting as comfortable as she had wished, rested her head on the car's window, still looking at the stars above them. Her eyes were slowly starting to close, but she refused to fall asleep and lose that wonderful night sky.

Mr. Joestar suddenly spoke, from the right front seat. "You kids should get some sleep, while you can..." he suggested.

"Mr. Joestar, that's not fair! I want to sleep too, after the shock I had today!" the French guy complained with his usual annoying, high pitched voice.

The old man groaned. "Do you want me to drive then?"

All the students' eyes widened. "No!" they all yelled at the same time, glancing at eachother afterwards. (Y/N) noticed how Polnareff rolled his eyes in the car mirror, right before puffing, but without saying anything else.

About an hour had passed and everyone inside the car was sleeping, except the driver and Jotaro. For some reason, the student couldn't even keep his eyes closed, but he supposed it was only from the stress he had accumulated. Of course, he felt just as stressed as the other crusaders, but he didn't want to show it. The boy looked down at (Y/N) who was definitely uncomfortably sleeping with her head on the window. He sighed silently, slowly moving his muscular arm, behind the girl's back, trying not to wake her up. He then gently moved her head away from the window, wanting to put it on his arm, but ending up placing it on his chest by mistake. Jotaro knew that he could've made (Y/N) wake up if he moved her again, so he decided to leave it like that.

At first, he felt quite uncomfortable having a girl's head on his big chest, but after a while, he started to loosen up a little bit, eventually ending up falling asleep as well as the others.

Next time, Starboy (Jotaro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now