Chapter Seven - The Kid

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The crusaders made their way to the harbour, where they had to find the boat Mr. Joestar talked about, at the restaurant. He said that it would be only them and the crew on board, so there wouldn't be any other Stand incidents.

There, Polnareff surprised them with his presence, saying that he never got a chance to thank Avdol for freeing him from Dio's mind control.

"No need to thank me, thank Jojo..." the Egyptian man spoke looking at the bulky student.

Jotaro kept his hands in his pants' pockets. "I'm good." he said only bending his neck a little.

Even though she didn't say anything, (Y/N) waited for at least a mention from Avdol. She was used to be there for people without getting any credit for it, but her hopes had never died.

"(Y/N) helped you too..." Jotaro continued after a short pause. (Y/N) gasped when she heard the student's words. She smiled widely waving her hands in front of her face, signing that there was no need to thank her.

All of sudden, a menacing atmosphere fell between them. Polnareff looked with narrow eyes at Mr. Joestar, clearly making him feel uncomfortable.

"Monsieur Joestar, I hope you don't mind me asking... I know it's none of my business, but I noticed that you never take off your gloves... Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right one, would it?" he asked the weird question.

The old man looked at his hands, probably making sure that he had both right and left ones. "Hm? What are you talking about?"

They were all looking at the French guy confused, as his face darkened. "I'm searching for the man who murdered my sister!" (Y/N) and the other men gasped after hearing about Polnareff's loss. "I don't know what he looks like," he continued, "but I know he has two right hands..."

With no more hesitation, Mr. Joestar took off his left glove, letting his prosthetic hand be shown. He explained everyone that he got the it from an accident that happened fifty years in the past. Polnareff apologized bending his neck. In exchange, Mr. Joestar asked the white haired guy to tell everyone what had happened with his relative. He accepted, stepping forward, looking at the sea, then started speaking.

Hearing what had happened to his poor little sister and her classmate made (Y/N) almost tear up. She had always had a weak point for people who had lost someone, especially someone so important to them. And knowing that a murderer had such power like a Stand made her feel even worse.

"A Stand user..." Mr. Joestar approved, making Polnareff turn around.

Continuing, the Frenchman told them that that was exactly how he had met Dio. He had been haunting the killer, after he had sworn with his life that he would find the the man with two right hands and revenge his sister. Dio had found him and then he had implanted the flesh bud inside the Frenchman's head.

"I was ordered to kill you all... I felt like it was the right thing to do..." Polnareff ended the story.

With a thoughtful expression, Kakyoin put his hand under his chin, holding it. (Y/N) turned her face at him, willing to hear what the boy was thinking about. "Based on your story, it seems like the man with two right hands is already Dio's underling..." the pink haired student finally spoke.

Polnareff suddenly turned around from the sea, facing all of the others. "I've made up my mind! I'll come with you to Egypt! If I can find Dio, I can find my sister's murderer as well!"

The girl and the boys stared at the French guy for a moment. No-one had any objections, so Mr. Joestar happily greeted him on their adventure.

"Yare yare..." Jotaro sighed. He couldn't take another breath, because two girls came next to him. They asked him politely for a photo. (Y/N) groaned silently, knowing what was going to happen next. There was no other ending for some girls who fell for Jotaro's appearance, other than him destroying all of their dreams. The girl noticed how her classmate's face changed from neutral to annoyed, when the women didn't stop talking.

Next time, Starboy (Jotaro x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon