Chapter One - The Cat

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Another school day had ended.

(Y/N) was walking down the street, straight to her house. She was keeping her distance from a tall, bulky guy with lots of girls surrounding him. That was Jotaro Kujo, one of the school's most feared delinquents, but also any girl's dream boyfriend.

Any girl's except for (Y/N). She couldn't help but be afraid of the guy walking fifty feet ahead of her. Even though she had known him since they were young, Jotaro wasn't the same person she remembered from middle school. That was the person who could terrify a teacher only by looking at them.

So she stayed away.

The Kujo house was nearby the (L/N) house, so (Y/N) had to walk all the way home staying behind that mountain of man. Seeing all the girls surrounding him, giggling and struggling to hold his arm made her feel sick. How stupid could they be to think he would ever choose one of them. But, they were still trying.

Trying to ignore her classmates' high pitched voices, (Y/N) got out of her bag a pair of earphones with a little recorder. After she put them on and turned on the recorder, songs starting to play, she pulled out a pack of cigarettes. (Y/N) didn't really like smoking, but it helped her calm down her nerves, and those girls were a true pain in the ass.

The girl placed one cigarette in her mouth. While making sure no-one watches her, something moved so fast in front of her, the cigarette lighted up. (Y/N) continued walking like nothing happened.

She was right in front of her house, when suddenly, a stray cat ran to Jotaro, probably trying to get away from a dog or something. The girls around him screamed, but it wasn't like the cat tried to hurt them. Heartless as always, Jotaro kicked the cat, making it leave his sight.

(Y/N) stopped and stretched out a hand to the cat. The little creature noticed her, but it was too afraid to come closer, so the girl took some steps forward. The bulky man noticed (Y/N) as well, so he turned around to see her approaching the cat he'd just hit. His action didn't make the girls around him happy, but he didn't care; they were too annoying anyway.

"It's alright, kitty!" (Y/N) whispered as she gently touched the cat's silky fur.

Enjoying her soft touch, the little one came even closer to the girl with (H/C) hair. (Y/N) immediately noticed where was the cat's wound: it was on it's belly, hard to see, but it might've been deadly. Affected even more by Jotaro's actions, the hatred for him inside her grew even stronger.

'How could he hit such a pure and innocent animal? This cat has done absolutely nothing to him!' she thought, her thin eyebrows twitching.

"Poor you!" she exclaimed, her voice kept calm. "Did the bad man hit you?" (Y/N) asked, scratching the cat's head.

Of course, Jotaro heard her statement clearly, making him quite annoyed. He knew that girl was living in his neighborhood, but he was a bit confused with her not following him like all the other annoying bitches.

Everything around her was so quiet, and with her earphones on, (Y/N) didn't even notice the huge student looking at her from sixty feet away. The only thing she cared about at that moment was helping the cute little animal standing before her. She put her cigarette on the ground, lowering herself down to the cat. While she was concentrating at the cat's wound, a black, slender arm arose from her own, pressing itself on the animal's belly.

Jotaro froze. That girl, right in front of him, was using her Stand to heal some stupid stray cat's wound. Of course she didn't know he had a Stand as well, how could she? With the worst timing, a clingy girl with curly radish hair, hanging onto his arm, cut the silence:

Next time, Starboy (Jotaro x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat