Abigail sipped further on her beverage, occasionally side eyeing Kyle whom was looking at her suspiously. "Woah, I think you have to much free time."

"Kyle keeps looking at me, I swear I want to rip him up. Annoying Asshole, I caught him cat calling me in the hallway before class, 'Hey Abigail, what' cha doing this weekend? '" She mocked Kyle using a slightly seductive manly tone.

"Sus-pis." Randall chuckled, "Please as your friend and Alpha do not ever say that again." She spat,

"Anyway, Jack he's been going on about The Order, saying how heaps of good people are in there-" Randall whispered,

"Did you tell him about Gorege what's his name and Oprah?"

"Yeah, I told him. But that only made him believe that I knew something, don't worry the conversation diverted itself." Randall fiddled with his thumbs, Abigail sipping the last of her Mocha.

"Yeah well, we know it's not werewolves, so it's could be a magically tourist or a magical abomination." Abigail chuckled, "As soon as we find out we can kill it when it least expects it. Poor barstard won't know what hit em."


A day had passed, after Abigail left Randall she made her way back to the Den. Deciding it was best to probably start researching her project.

Abigail had no class today thankfully, it was Friday which meant the weekend was nearing.


It was a quiet afternoon, Randall saying Clay was a mud monster whom almost killed Jack Morton,

Honestly it was alot.


"So I may have failed to mention Jack is in the order." Randall huffed,

"What the hell! Randall." Lilith snapped,

"Come on, the dude can be a double agent." Everyone looked at the boy laying naked on the wooden floor. Lilith emerald green ribe barely covering his junk.

"I say we kill him." Lilith barks stepping forward when Abigail holds her back,

"Calm down, we'll wait till he wakes first." Randall smiled,

"Then we kill him?" Lilith asked slyly.

"No geez Lilith have some restraint, we talk to him first. And then if he doesn't comply, I am afraid we will have to kill him." Abigail sadly smiled, she never liked killing that much that was more Lilith.

But when push comes to shove she was willing to sacrife her own comfort but the cause.

Lilith sighed and took a few steps back when we noticed Jack was now conscious.

"Where am I? Why am I naked? -" Jack asked alarmed,

"Calm down, Jack. " Abigail grabbed his clothes and kneeled down to his eye level.

"How did you even get here?" Hamish asked,

"Something was chasing me, It looked a werewolf-" then something inside him clicked, "-It was you! You almost killed me!" He was now standing so Abigail passed him his shredded clothing and phone.

"You wolfed out, tends to happen alot. You'll eventually get use to it." Randall stated pointing to the clothes in Jack's hand.

"What am I?"

"We are the knights of Saint Christopher, a sacred brotherhood-" Hamish answered, being cut of by a rather annoyed Lilith, "Gender Neutral Collective."

"Dude, we're werewolves!" Randall enthusiastically jumped,

"No, no this isn't happening-" Jack started to panic,

"Its happening whether you like it or not." Abigail responded

"Well un-werewolf me-" Abigail laughed at him trying to hide it with a cough well everyone else was getting impatient.

"Well in order to do that you must die so unless you have any last wishes than I'd be happy to rip your heart out." Lilith chirped looking devilishly at Jack.

"Damn Lilith, can you not. Please-" Abigail snapped

"He's with The Order, we got to kill him. Even if he's a werewolf. The Order is our natural sworn enemies." Hamish testified,

"No, we are not killing him. We will toss him in the basement until we can come up with another option." Everyone nodded, clearly others disagreed but that was tough shit.

Hamish and the rest taking him to the basement, "It could be a couple of hours." Randall stated locking the basement door.

Well Abigail waited for them in the living room, Hamish made everyone drinks. Thus began Randall's debate about having him as our double agent,

"An alliance?"


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