The rest of the day was spent unpacking and helping my parents around the house. My mom was acting frantic, running about chattering to herself about cleaning this or that. I'm not sure why everything needs to be perfect. She had hors d'oeuvres being made in the oven, the crock pot, the instant pot; pretty much any pot known in existence. My dad had made an escape claiming he needed to oversee the rest of the haying of the fields out back.

Lucky bastard.

My dad came back just before 5 pm. My mom fluttered about yelling at him to go shower.

"Judy, calm down. These are our friends and family it doesn't need to be perfect. Calm yourself woman." She whipped her head around to glare at him.

"Don't woman me, Richard. You know I love entertaining." I chuckled and headed up to my own room to shower. I stayed under the warm spray for ages, washing away the weariness in my bones.

I wonder how long I can stay up here before mom comes hunting me down.

When I stepped outside into the backyard, the party was in full swing. Family and friends greeting me exuberantly, asking how I was. Pity forming in their eyes. I had to keep myself from showing my aggravation. I hate pity. I just want to get on with my life.

I was chatting with my friend Alex who I hadn't seen in a few years, when the back door slid open and a small body came whizzing past me towards my father. Giggles erupted from him as my father bent down with a giant smile.

Who is this kid?

"Jay! How's my big man?"

The boy murmured a reply as my dad snuggled the toddler in his arms until he squirmed to be let loose, running back towards the house.

My curiosity was eating me. I had never seen this kid before and no one I knew of has a child that small.

Shrugging it off, I take a swig of beer and continued my conversation with Alex.  We chatted aimlessly about work and life catching up on lost time. I didn't realize how much I missed my friends until now. It was nice to be able to relax a bit.

"Nick!" I turn to see my mom near the grill. "Can you go grab the meat from the fridge please?"

"On it." I head inside and go to the kitchen. My feet stop in their tracks as the kitchen comes into view. At the counter, a vision of a young woman stands, veggies and a knife in hand. Her chocolate waves of hair cascade over her shoulders. Green eyes stare at the objects in her delicate hands with intensity. She was small, maybe 5'5" and had an athletic build to her. My eyes trail over her body, taking her in. Her arms were more muscular than most women. Likely from hard work versus just working out. Her whole body looked toned and tight. My breath constricted as I watched her, and I suddenly felt nervous, my hands clenching repeatedly. What the hell?

This is not a normal reaction.

My body has never heated up with one look at someone before. What is it about her?

I watched her knife slice through the pepper she was cutting. I gulped as it slid through like butter, her hands speedily and efficiently slicing.

Why is this turning me on right now?

She almost looked like a professional chef.

Did mom hire someone?

I'm not sure how long I stood there watching her. I was in a trance, just watching as she moved about the kitchen. I didn't mean to be creepy; I swear. But I could not tear my eyes from her.

I just watched as she methodically cut and arranged veggies on a platter.

She hadn't noticed me and jumped slightly when I walked into the room.

A Pinch of CinnamonWhere stories live. Discover now