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Wedding Day


"Do you, Jennie Kim, take Kim Taehyung to be your husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Kim Taehyung, take Jennie Kim to be your wife?"

I turned to look up at him.

My soon-to-be husband.

The one person that I would spend the rest of my days with.

My face shined with happiness as the cameras surrounding us snapped pictures and videos for memories and for the public. He looked down at me with loving eyes, his good looks serving well to both the cameras and the audience.

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, he answered, "I do."

"Without further ado, I now declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

He flashed his signature smile before leaning in, closer and closer, until his lips gently pressed against mine. I quickly kissed back, lingering for a moment or two before parting from his lips. We stared into each other's eyes with each ounce of love that we could pour out from the bottom of our hearts at that moment.

Then, we turned to the audience, whom erupted into cheers. I smiled, intertwining my hand with his.



We sat at the center of a long, tall table that was separated from the others. Our families sat along with us, my parents next to me and his next to him.

Everyone was eating, chatting, having fun. Kids were running around, playing.

It was such a beautiful day.

"Thank you for pulling that off, Jennie, Taehyung. You two were so in love with each other, it almost seemed like it was real!" I smiled at my mom. "Anything for the companies."

I turned to Taehyung, my eyes narrowing and my smile turning into a thin line. He rolled his eyes, turning to his plate and continuing to eat.

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