Chapter 15: Good Soldiers Follow Orders.

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That night Mila lay on a wooden pile. Tobias carried a torch of fire. Fishbach carried his own torch as well. Tobias asked Grievous if he could give Mila a proper funeral and surprisingly, the General allowed it. But it was more of a do whatever you want, I don't care attitude that Grievous had. Cathlyn made an appearance by hologram. Galen held his head down. 

Tobias then began his speech: "And though we all knew Mila was a flawed girl. She fought for what she believed in. I only wish that she could've lived a long and happy life. I failed her, I failed in my duty as a commander. But Mila fought. I now understand why she wanted to serve in the militia. She didn't want anyone to suffer the way she suffered as a child." 

Cathlyn remained silent. 

"And for that. I will always honor you Mila. May you find peace in the afterlife." 

Cathlyn looked at Tobias. "If I could speak Tobias?" She asked. 

Tobias nodded. Cathlyn then looked at her sisters corpse. 

"I read your note from Umbara, Mila. You said in it that you were sorry. That you would die fighting for what you believed in. But I'm the one who should be sorry. I wasn't there for you when I should've been." Cathlyn started tearing up. 

"I told you that I never wanted to see you again. I couldn't have been any more wrong. I wanted to keep you safe. But I only succeeded at driving you further away. I went into a blind rage. I didn't want to lose you the way we lost Mom and Dad. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I turned you away. I'm a horrible sister. And now I've lost you forever." 

She started to tear up to the point of collapse. Tobias also noticed that Cathlyn's belly was slightly bigger. No other part of her body was bigger. That meant Cathlyn was pregnant. 

"Goodbye, Mila." She finally finished. 

Tobias and Fishbach moved toward the pyre and lit it together. Mila's body burned with the wood. Tobias stared at the fire with a tear walking down his face.

The next day, Grievous made his announcement to the Separatist Parliament. Speaker Meiser was stunned. The Separatist navy was completely destroyed, and the Republic was continuing the Outer Rim Sieges.

"General Grievous, you have announced yourself leader of the C.I.S. and that we must unite under you for our protection. But what of Coruscant? We failed to kidnap the Chancellor and Count Dooku is dead." Speaker Meiser said. 

"You have some guts to speak of supporting Count Dooku when you were plotting his downfall." Grievous replied. 

"Everything I have done, was to secure the security of the Separatists." Meiser explained, his voice calm and his eyes not hesitating. The problem was, so was Grievous. 

"And now, I'm going to secure the security of the Separatists. This war is over. This war is over for all of you." Grievous replied turning the hologram off. 

Tobias was listening in on the conversation. 

"Those cowards in the Parliament. If not for their interference, we could've won this war long ago." Grievous was saying to Tobias. 

"General Grievous, what about Raxus? Shouldn't we reinforce the planet?" Tobias asked. 

"And leave Utapau undefended, Captain? We're not going anywhere." Grievous answered. 

"But Raxus is my home." Tobias said. 

"Your home is now with the Separatists." Grievous replied. 

"General, a war can't be won if we can't defend our homes." Tobias stated. But Grievous now looked right at Tobias. 

"Captain, the war is nearly over. We are almost close to winning." He said. 

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