Chapter 1 The Call to Arms.

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Within 2 days panic began to set along the planet. Social gatherings had begun their gossip. The message that Count Dooku had sent sparked anger and fear at the Republic. Posters were popping up all over the streets. Each one had a picture of the Republic Senate building and words that said: "There are over 2000 seats in the Senate. And they all don't care about you." It was true that the Republic had ignored the people for too long. It was time to begin again. After all the galaxy was indeed big enough for 2 structures to coexist. But the Corrupt Senate didn't care. Raxus had already assembled it's call to arms, and only handful of citizens had shown up to the Raxus Colosseum which housed recruitment centers. Pyrus was also there. He was teaching the volunteers how to shoot blasters. 

"Welcome to blaster training recruits." Pyrus began. "Okay, how many of you know how to shoot?" He asked. 

Only a small group of aliens raised their hands. 

"Alright I guess we'll stick to the basics. It's easy to shoot but you have to learn how to actually fight hand to hand." 

At that moment Tobias walked over to Pyrus. 

"Ah. Tobias. Perfect timing!" Pyrus declared. 

He turned to the recruits. "Now, who wants to shoot the target?" Pyrus asked. 

Only one Raxus human stepped forward. He took the blaster from the desk and fired rapid shots at the target. 

"Well congratulations trooper, you just fired a barrage at a line of clones. Except you would most likely hit 2 with the way you shot." Pyrus declared. 

"But I-." The human began. 

"You don't get anymore chances. Clones aren't Droids. Let our Droids fight in single file lines. We are living militia. Which means we must fight smarter than the Clones. They'll shoot you down in an instant and they won't miss." Pyrus interrupted. 

"Tobias. Show these wumprat shooters how to shoot a target." He ordered. 

Tobias took the blaster. Fortunately, he had always been a good shot. He remembered when he first took a blaster. Tobias was 15 at the time. A group of Tusken Raiders were harassing settlers. Tobias had used a blaster to fight the Tuskens. He killed 5 with 1 shot each. Each in the head.

Tobias then started off aiming the blaster at the head of the dummy target. Then took a shot. The dummy's head was shot off. The recruits looked at Tobias with awe. 

"The point is to aim and then shoot. Don't spread bolts over the place." Tobias explained. 

"I could've said that." Pyrus said but with a sarcastic voice. 

"Yeah I know." Tobias replied. 

"Alright who wants to try next?" Pyrus asked. 

The recruits then began again. Tobias then took his leave to go elsewhere. Even within 2 short days Tobias had given help to other recruits who were struggling with their training. He knew what it was like to receive help when you needed it. 

"Hey Tobias!" Fishbach yelled running towards Tobias. 

"Still babysitting?" Riam asked. 

"Shut up Riam. I'm helping these recruits." Tobias replied. 

Fishbach still wasn't convinced. "You want to help these people. Help them kill some Lab Rats." He said. 

"This again?" Tobias asked. 

"You know I'm thinking of it. Those long necks in the rain built an army of the same guy. Of course, they're lab rats." Fishbach answered. 

Tobias just sighed. 

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