Prolouge: To War

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The Republic stands on the brink. Many Star Systems virtually ignored or otherwise declared not of importance break off from the Republic. These Systems form a new Government known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Republic sees it as a credible and illegal threat to their existence. Following the Invasion of Geonosis. Separatist planets place a call to arms for volunteers to form and assist their Battle Droid Armies. The Galaxy soon begins the greatest conflict since the Russan Reformation. These conflicts become known as The Clone Wars. The volunteers vouch to fight against the Republic as militias. These are their stories.

Part 1: The Clone Wars. Prologue.

To War

Planet: Raxus. C.I.S. Militia. Capt. Tobias Chenko.

Raxus was a calm planet. Very serene, full of nature. Nothing at all like the overpopulated pool of slime and other muck and scum that was Coruscant. Of course, if you told someone who lived on Coruscant that you lived on a planet where there was green then they would've thought you were crazy. It almost seemed impossible too. Coruscant was the capital of the Republic ever since the fall of the Rakata Infinite Empire. Now they're gone. And the galaxy may have been better, maybe it didn't. Depends on how you look at it. That at least was how Tobias Chenko looked at it. He had lived on Raxus his entire life. And he was happy for it. Not in the way that the average person would look at it. But then again there was no such thing as average. Not in this life, not in this galaxy. Tobias was sitting on the porch of the Bonteri estate looking at the auburn colored trees overlooking the landscape. It was peaceful. It was quiet. At least it used to be until the day when the call came.

Tobias stared at the hill where a sunset had cast an orange glow on the horizon. 

"It might be the last sunset we see in a peaceful time." 

Tobias turned his head to see the face of Pyrus Bonterri. Pyrus was a middle-aged man with an average build. His beard was small and faded. His Sandy hair was starting to turn grey. 

"You're starting to turn grey." Tobias shot back. 

Tobias was thankful his mustard color hair hadn't turned grey. Then again he was in his 20's and still had life left in him. 

Pyrus just smiled. "You'll get there one day." He replied. 

"Hey guys!" A loud voice let out an ear-piercing streak. The bulky build of a man with buzz cut jet black hair ran towards them. "I got great news!" He yelled. 

"Your voice isn't amplified, Fishbach?" Tobias asked. 

"No." The man answered. I just scored my first move on a hot chick." Pyrus just sighed. 

"Or rather, Riam. You scored another date with Cathlyn Degonvich." He replied. 

"Oh, come on Pyrus." Fishbach shot back. 

"I'm dead serious about this girl. I know she's a backwater planet kid but she's awesome. And so is her sister." 

Tobias took note of what Riam Fishbach had said. The two had been friends since they were boys. Fishbach still wore the same necklace that he had since his father died. A crest in the shape of a Viper Fish. 

"Gentlemen! Dinner is Ready!" The voice of Mina Bonterri called.

The table was full of talk that night. Droids had prepared the meals, slightly over cooked but everyone was eating to their hearts content. Even the Degonvich sisters had come over. Fishbach had finished his main course and was already going for the seconds. Mila was picking at her food. Cathlyn was giving her sister the dirty looks while staring at Riam. Tobias remaining quiet but making gaging noises under his breath. Mina sat on the other side of the table next to Pyrus eating slowly. 

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