Chapter 4: What A Government Fears Most

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Tobias was feeling pretty good about his new operations. Things had gone very well so far. They had pushed through the Republic Blockade. And for the most part. They had found some neutral moons to set up their operations near the Ando system. Pyrus called a meeting on the Volunteer. Tobias gathered his crew together. 

"Ando." Galen said breaking the silence. 

"Never thought we'd get this far. I half expected to still be on Trogan." Mila stated with uncertainty. 

"Well we owe it to you Mila." Tobias replied. 

"I still can't believe you drank that liquor." Fishbach said. 

"I still can't believe I did it too." Mila replied. 

"If you're all done complimenting each other." Pyrus interrupted walking in. "Our next objective is to take the System of Ando." He began. 

"You mean the same Ando with the Water people?" Fishbach asked. 

"No, that's Ando, this is Ando Prime with the pod races. That's mostly in the mountain ranges. But yes. The rest of the planet is mostly snow and some other areas of land mass." Pyrus answered. 

"And the Planet is Pro Republic." Tobias added. 

"Correct Tobias. Fortunately for us there are people who are willing to join the Separatists." Pyrus replied. 

"So, we find the contact and undermine the system?" Mila asked. 

"It's not going to be easy Mila." Pyrus answered. 

"When is it ever." Tobias interrupted. 

"This one's different." Pyrus replied, his voice still calm. 

"The People of Ando Prime are ruled under King Andros XXVII. The king and his royal family control everything on the planet. He has vowed loyalty to the Republic."

 Tobias looked over the Hologram of the planet. "So, you want us to end his rule?" Tobias asked. 

"In a manner of speaking." Pyrus answered. 

"Then let's take the troops and attack." Fishbach said. Pyrus looked at Fishbach and Both he and Tobias knew what Pyrus was going to say: 

"This isn't a normal battle we'll fight. If we launch our own armies the people will see it as a Separatist invasion. We need to turn the people against the Monarchy. And against the Republic." 

"Is he a good king or is he a bad one?" Mila asked. 

"From a certain point of view. He rules with an iron fist." Pyrus answered. 

"How are we going in?" Tobias asked. 

"This moon is a space port. It shuttles workers to the Planet. You'll stow away on a shuttle going to the mines and get to the surface." Pyrus answered. He also gave each of the four Rags to wear. 

"We can't have you seen wearing Separatist Contraband." He explained. 

"Why do we need rags?" Mila asked. Pyrus just sighed: 

"Because Mila. The situation on Ando Prime is complicated. There's a gap between Rich and Poor." Mila looked stuttered. 

"A very big gap. Your contact can explain it better then I can." Mila suddenly looked down. "Dismissed." Pyrus ordered. The four left the room and started to change into their rags.

It had been years since Mila had worn Rags. The last time was on Coruscant, in the Underworld. She didn't like to remember it. Tobias could see the look on Mila's face. It was a look of depression. 

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