"Ah you must the be the new student  My Name Ms  Orimura please wait outside

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"Ah you must the be the new student  My Name Ms  Orimura please wait outside." Ms Orimura said as she walked back into the room.

"Alright listen you maggots today we have a new student today so I want you all to be on your best behavior or you get a months worth of homework. Please com on in." Ms Orimura said as I walked intot eh room and stood in front of the class and bowed.

"Grettings my name is Ventus "Sky" Shinra it's nice to met you all." I said as the girls went all fangirl as soon as I said my last name.

"Anyone have any questions for Mr Shinra?" Ms Orimura asked as one student raised her hand.

"Yes you in the back." Ms Orimura said

"Are you related to Tsubaki by any chance?" The girl asked as I nodded my head.

"Yes I'm her younger brother I'm eighteen years old I study all over the Europe from France to itay and more." I replied as the whole room went into a uproar.

"Settle dow class. Now anymore questions?" Ms Orimura asked as a male student  raised his hand.

"Since your Tsubaki's younger brother think you can get us guys a date with her?" The boy said as I looked at him before I took out a small throwing star as it hit his desk scaring the boy.

"Okay, One my sister is off-limits. Two she is not a piece of meat shes a women who should be respected. Three I don't like perverts and lastly if I ever see any of you worthless mongrols think any perverted thoughts or fantasies I will cut what little dicks and balls you have and shove it down your mouths do I make myself clear?" I said as the boys nodded their heads in fear while the girls nearly wet themselves because of my dominance hell even the teacher was impressed.

"I have time for one more question then I give the attention of the class back to Ms Orimura." I said as a girl with long blond hair asked me if I knew her as  took a second to think then it hit me it was my old friend Asia before she suddenly ran up to me and hugged me.

"Ventus it's really you."  Asia said as I petted her head.

"Hey my little sunflower how you been?" I asked as the class was confused on why she hugged me as I explained that Asia and I were old friends from my time with the church.

"I'm so happy to see you after all this time." Asia said.

"Similiter etiam non velit ire ad sedem ad os loqui: Et postea." I said in latin (translation:likewise, but please go back to your seat I'll talk to you later.)

"etiam mi."(translation: Yessir) Asia replied in latin as she hugged me one last time before returning to her seat.

"Ms Orimura I return the attention of the class to you if you point me to my seat please." I said.

"Yes, well you can take a seat behind Ms Gremory." Ms Orimura said as the one named Rias Gremory raised her hand as I thanked her and walked passed Rias's desk as I looked at her as I sense she was a devil as she gave me stare trying to scare me but I just returned a stare back at her before I took my seat.

"Partner I sense the red dragon is also here." Bahamut said in my head as I nodded my head. The rest of the time in the class was slow until it was time for lunch as some of the girls wanted to talk to me as they swarmed my desk like hungry wolfs.

"So you can speak different langaues that's so cool." One of the girls said.

"Indeed I speak Latin, Chinese, Russian, german and Japanese etc." I replied

"I must say Ventus your hotness level is over 20,000 not even Kiba has a  hotness level that high." Said a girl with pigtails and glasses. (a/n: Points to those who gets the star wars reference)

""No one does." I said as I smiled as my stomach growled.

"Guess it's lunch time would you ladies like to escort me to the lunchroom?" I asked as Asia suddenly grabbed my arm and said she'll escort me to the lunch room.

"Thank you Asia." I said as the both of us headed tot he lunch room and had lunch as we caught up on somethings as the girls were watching us as we ate.

Thinking to myself I sensed she to was also a devil but that didn't stop me from enjoying my time with her as we talked I explained to her my time with the church and other things until the bell rang for lunch to be over as we returned our trays and left the lunchroom and headed off to our classes. Later on the day Tsubaki approached me and asked if we can talk on the roof which I replied saying sure as I gathered my things and headed tot he roof with her. Once on the roof Tsubaki looked at me with a sad look on her face.

"Brother I there is something I have to tell you." Tsubaki said 

"I know what you are Sister I said as I had my back tuned to her with my eyes closed.

"Please don't be upset with me Ventus I wanted to tell you I was a devil but I didn't know how you will react to-." Tsubaki said before I hugged her.

"Its okay Tsubaki I already knew from the first day in the council room. I'm not mad at your choice to become  devil.." I said as I removed her glasses and wiped her tear.

"You are still by big sister and I always love you. We're opposite sides of the same coin they may be a resemblance but we don't face the same direction." I said as pulled her closer to me and put her glasses back on her face before I did something she wasn't expecting as I kissed her on the lips as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me back as a gust of wind blew some leaves from the tree and flew into the sky. (a/n: Like in those romantic anime ending)

After we parted from the kiss I looked at her as she was blushing as we heard someone at the door coughing.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Sona said as I scratched my head.

"Good cause I want to speak with you about something so can you join me in the student council room please?" Sona asked as I told her I be there in a minute as Tsubaki left with Sona but not before she turned to me and mouthed the words I love you as I replied saying I know as I left the roof to follow them but little did I know someone was watching me from afar.

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