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when i woke up with toni next to me i smiled and kissed her head and carefully got up and hid the ring somewhere i knew that toni wouldn't find which was with brenda .

she promised to hide it very well i knew brenda could keep it safe. when i went back to toni she asked me. "what were you doing with brenda " i looked at her and said " well i was planning something and needed a bit of help ." she looked warily at me and hugged me .

we went to get breakfast and i could tell minho was super hyped by the the fact of me wanting to marry toni .
" morning guys " i greeted gally, minho , thomas and malcom . i sat down as toni was getting her food and malcom said. "where is it ." i knew what he was on about so i said. " hidden with brendas help." they nodded just as toni sat down

*toni pov*

i sat at the table and it was quiet just silence was there and it looked like it did as soon as I came to the table " morning lads how did you lot sleep ." i greeted them whilst sipping on some sort of mint tea " well i barely slept " minho said " i slept great thanks for asking toni ." gally and thomas said after each other ." i kind of slept but i kept watch but how did you sleep general ." malcom questioned. " i slept extremely well since newt was here and no nightmares." i smiled and kissed newts cheek . i ate up and went to vince who asked. "hey toni do you mind doing another run for supplies with malcom since you work well and fast ." " yeah sure thing but i won't do it soon since i want time with newt so he can settle in a bit because he was a crank before he came here ." i jogged over to malcoms place knocking " hey mal are you decent i need to talk to you ." " yeah i am what do you want ." " well vince wants us to do another supply run and i asked for time off the let newt settle so i need a day that will be ok for you ." " alright i think about the day ok general ."

i left and went to newt who was in the gardens like he was in the glade , it was sweltering out even though paradise is a safe place without the extreme heat and suns rays .

i sat and watched trying to figure out what newt was keeping but i lost my train of thought as i stared at newts biceps as they strain as he picks weeds out of the patches . i was so focused on newt i didn't realise brenda sitting next to me . she waved her hand in front of me and snapped her fingers to try and get my attention. she screamed in to my ear which got her my attention " oh i am sorry brenda i zoned out what were you saying " she looked over and said " i think i am going to ask out thomas ." i looked at her and said. "yeah you do you if you want to but is it just me or is newt acting weird like what were you doing this morning with him because he said planning something is it true ." " yeah it is i was asked by newt if you would like what he is going to do so i simply said that you will love it and that's it ." she stood up and left and i ended up daydreaming which turners in to me falling asleep and having a nightmare.

the air was warm and stifling. i saw newt as a crank he was pinning down thomas to the floor brutally stabbing and bitting him . thomas drew his last breath and dies newts head spins 180 so he is looking at me . he starts slicing and slashing with me jumping to dodge but he slice my stomach and his eyes clearing as he whimpered and screams battling the crank he is turning into ." go toni run" i didn't move and his eyes frosted over to the crank as he began to pin me down tearing chunks from my shoulders, arms , legs he stopped and laughed saying " daddy's little girl is a weakling." and hysterically laughing and stabbing me all over i was dying and newts eyes cleared as i saw the sanity come back . he apologised and kissed my lips and was the last thing i saw and heard before i was in the dark abyss

i woke up crying and screaming in the gardens . i had a few minor cuts on my arms and i fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably until malcom and newt were hugging me close . i explained the whole nightmare and when i looked at newt he was in tears . i knew that he would never do that. i could tell it had scared him and that i now know how important i am to newt malcom left and i was still having a panic attack at the possibility of newt hitting me. "hey love calm down and try holding your breath ." i tried but i couldn't which caused me to hyperventilate so newt pressed his warm lips to mine which caused me to hold my breath . i stopped hyperventilating and calmed instantly " thank you newt thanks so much i love you so bloody much " he looked at me and said " all i bloody did was give you a kiss to make to you hold your shucking breathe ." i hugged him tightly as malcom came back with a large bottle of water which i gulped down in a minute letting the cold water trickled down my throat .

i lay down next to newt holding his hand as he sang a song i didn't remember. i drifted of without any nightmares in my sight .

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