See you around

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👽 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER TWENTY ONE࿐ྂ
See you around

"Bokuto! Kuroo! Akaashi! Kenma!" I yelled as they entered the cafe

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"Bokuto! Kuroo! Akaashi! Kenma!" I yelled as they entered the cafe. Today I planned on telling them about the college I was going to, and then after we would run to the airport and say goodbye to Oikawa.

"Hey girllll" Kuroo tried to be fancy, only earning himself a smack from Kenma. "How have you been?" Akaashi asked sitting beside me.
"Well, I could be better, what about you guys?" Ken me shrugged a little, Kuroo was about to go on a rant but he earned a kick to the shin by Kenma again.

"It's been fun!!" Bokuto said and held Akaashi's hand on the table. Yes, our owls were finally dating. "Took you long enough, " Kenma commented, glancing over Akaashi and Bokuto holding hands. Kuroo looked away, knowing he was stuck between Kenma and Tsukishima.

"Psst!" I whispered to Kuroo and got his attention. I knew about Kuroo's gay panics, and personally, they were funny to watch happen at 3 am in the group chat. But I decided to help out one of my favorite cats.

"Tsukishima's dating Yamaguchi, didn't you know?" He slowly shook his head but then grinned at Kenma, who felt his stare and made a weird face at him.

We all started talking and teasing each other, laughing about the memories we've made together and the things we want to do. It was almost like we were stuck in the past, still going to cafe's and catching up on our friendships and jokes.

But reality hit, and times like these wouldn't be as often as they used to be. So I blurted out my future.

"I'm going to a singing college and I'm gonna be famous, " I quickly and bluntly said to them and felt all their eyes on me.

I looked down at my coffee, except this time I didn't want to cry. Instead, I smiled painfully again and laughed at myself. Yup, I'm insane.

They all except Kenma stood up and cheered for me, which left me stunned and stuck in my seat.

Bokuto then said the wildest thing he has ever told me in our entire friendship.

"Can we join you?!"

Kuroo and surprisingly Akaashi looked shocked but excited at the question. "I can still do volleyball on the side! I wanna sing too!" Bokuto happily said, and Kuroo followed saying something similar. Akaashi somehow decided to follow long, and Kenma was dragged into it.

"You guys really want to...?" I cried, very scared. "Yea!!" Kuroo and Bokuto screamed, Akaashi nodded and Kenma looked at Kuroo and then nodded shamefully.

"Let's start a band then!"
Those words that came out of my mouth, I will never regret saying. it's like when you say something you think you'll regret, but in the end, it brought much more than you wished for.

I sent them the application for the college, and they all signed up for it. Ironically I was afraid Bokuto or Kuroo wouldn't pass it, but we would only know in a few days. We all looked at each other excitedly, besides Kenma and Akaashi of course. (Akaashi looked a little excited.)

We got up and jumped into Kuroo's car, and drove towards the airport.

Yes, it was many hours too early to start driving there, but I needed every moment possible to see Oikawa. I and the band decided to keep it secret until we actually blew up.

We showed up at the airport, already seeing Iwaizumi standing around waiting for Oikawa to show up. "Hey, Iwa!" I yelled, Bokuto looking around the airport at all the cool things, Kuroo often glancing at cool things and then at Kenma. Akaashi held Bokuto's hand happily, Kenma on his switch.

"Hey, why'd you come so early?" I laughed at his ironic question. "I could ask you the same thing." We stood around talking, waiting for the setter to show up. "Do you think he'll call us every night?" He nodded.
"Of course, he's shittykawa. He wouldn't be able to last a day without us."

We continued talking until Iwaizumi slipped and said something that changed my plans.

"You know Oikawa likes you back-" I snapped my neck at him, Kuroo choking on his drink when he heard him. "Really?!" I yelled. He nodded, and Kuroo complained about how I didn't tell him I had a crush. "Akaashi, quick, give me a paper and pen."

Akaashi, startled, grabbed a note pad from his back pocket and passed the pen. I started writing a love letter. Stupid, but I didn't have the courage to tell him in person. So I'd let him figure it out on the plane.

The letter read:

Dear Toru,
I really hope you're reading this! And you haven't lost it yet, which if you did then I'm gonna cry. Anyway, I had some important stuff that I haven't told you and wasn't confident enough to tell you in person, so I'd let you figure it out on the plane! So...
I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you.
But you already said you had a crush on someone, so I'm sorry if this ruins your friendship. I just wanted to say that! Have a nice trip, I love you.

- y/n l/n

Everyone looked at the letter and said I did a good job hiding the fact Iwaizumi told me. Now we just had to wait for Oikawa the show-up.

I stood around nervous, playing with my hair, or tapping my feet, even fiddling with my fingers. "Chill out bro." Bokuto tried to calm me. "You'll be alright, besides you've got your whole life in front of you!" He beamed at me, and I softly smiled back.

"There you are!" Someone said with a bubbly and loud voice, and I stiffened. "I'm about to leave! I gotta hurry, " He said nervously and excitedly. They decided to leave me for last, and I could wait to yell at them afterward.

Soon came my turn to say goodbye.
"Hey, come visit alright!" I punched his shoulder, making me laugh. He opened his arms for a hug, and I gladly wrapped my arms around his waist. I took this chance and slipped my note into his back pocket.

"Y/n!!" He yelled. "Don't touch my butt!" He squealed and covered his face blushing, making me and the others laugh. "I left you something, take it out on the plane." Oikawa whined," I wanna see it now!" My face flushed and I waved my hands around nervously. "The plane, the plane!" Iwaizumi laughed at my stupid reaction.

"Well, I'll see you later, Toru," I said in the softest voice I could manage, with a small smile. He nodded returning it and began walking away. "Remember to call us, you little shit!" Iwaizumi screeched at him from the front as he entered the line. Oikawa laughed, and then we lost view of him in the crowd.

𝒕. 𝒐𝒊𝗸𝗮.𝒘𝒂 ・umbrella girlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora