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This is chapter doesn't really have Oikawa in it, so next chapter I'm making up for that :))

This is chapter doesn't really have Oikawa in it, so next chapter I'm making up for that :))

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👽 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER TWENTY࿐ྂ

It's been half a week, and I haven't had talked a lot with the team

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It's been half a week, and I haven't had talked a lot with the team. I know I should but I didn't know how to confront them. What if even after high school, if I don't go to singing college, will they still be around?

I'm really close with Sugawara, he would either be my mom or the older brother I never had. Recently he even asked me to call him Kōshi. Which personally I thought it was the most precious name, it just sounds cute. Daichi has been helping me since forever, and he definitely feels like a dad.

He's very reliable and trustworthy, and I have a lot of confidence in him. Asahi's been the softie who would talk with me about small things like the weather or give each other advice for tests, or get each other food sometimes.

My friendship with the second year was rough. Nishinoya never acted like I was a pretty girl like Kiyoko, although he did tell me it sometimes. Tanaka was the same, we just messed around screaming playing games with each other, and then get yelled at by Daichi.

The first year's sort of looked up to me. At least Hinata and Yachi did, I think. Yachi was soft and often afraid of me, and she would apologize a thousand times if it ever came off as rude. But I assured her I wouldn't harm her. Hinata's small tangerine that would always bring a smile to my face, no matter the circumstance.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi teased me all the time, but that came with the package. Yamaguchi would vent to me sometimes about his bad day and Tsukishima would give me a tip in math once in a while. Kageyama would be the closest to me in the first years.

Kageyama tried his best to support me when I'm upset, even if he usually doesn't know what to do. It's obvious he has a crush on me, but I give off hints that love isn't for me at the moment, but perhaps I'll be available in the future.

This third year was so strange, yet so lively and fun. I fell into a bush and my umbrella closed on top of me, and a chocolate haired setter laughed at me from inside the bus driving by.

I reunited with Iwaizumi through Oikawa, and it's been so fun since then. Sometimes I look back to when he invited me to a store with Oikawa, and I dragged my siblings along and had a food fight.

I also recall when I went with Karasuno to the training camp and met up with my oldest best friends, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi. Update, apparently Tsukishima was added to our group chat and it's been nothing but Kuroo having a sexuality crisis and a crush crisis.

I definitely think back to when Oikawa told me to come over, and he saw me dancing on the street. No one's ever seen me in that mode, and for him to see that was extraordinarily embarrassing.  After that, we went to his destress spot, which I often go to now.

Then I think about when I ran into him at the mall with his girlfriend, but I still wonder why he kissed her first and all. But I still bought things that I still wear and are in my room, so it was worth it in the end.

Then Kageyama asked me on a date, and we had fun until Oikawa's fake girlfriend dipped her milkshake over my head. After that, I and Kageyama were running away from Oikawa, which must've looked amusing.

And then-

"Y/N!" The teacher boomed in my ears, breaking my trance. "Yes...?" She huffed, holding the bridge of her nose. "I should give you detention, but it's the end of school and I refuse to see anyone after school. Grades closed anyway." She said angrily and then continued class.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi snickered behind me, but my mind was still on the memories I've made.

The day passed by quicker, to my dismay. I opened the club doors and walked in to see most of them putting stuff away while Kageyama and Hinata practiced tosses. Suga greeted me first, and slowly as I walked by everyone said hello. For the first time, I wanted to break down in front of my team.

But I couldn't interrupt their cleaning, so I sat down on a bench and watched them clean up and the day goes by. This shouldn't be hurting me, I thought. My chest hurt and tears were beginning to show up. Hold it in, don't bring them down. I wanted to say thank you, for the last three years, and that we'll promise to stay beside each other. If not in person, then emotionally.

I closed my eyes and put my hands over my eyes, quickly catching the tears that fell out. "Aw, is princess crying?" Tsukishima teased as he walked by me. Almost everyone looked in my direction, and I didn't care as much as I did before.
"...Yea, I am, " I admitted quietly as if I was telling myself that.

Sugawara sprinted over, asking what was wrong. Everyone followed behind and crowded the bench I sat on. "Thank you..." I whispered, but they didn't hear me. "Thank you, " I said louder. "For the past three years." I almost yelled and looked down again refusing to let them see my tears.

"Are we all going to stay in touch?... I don't want our strong friendships to end, " I felt childish for saying that, but I couldn't help but wonder. I felt arms wrap around my waist, and I felt safe. "Kōshi, " I mumbled into his shoulder, and soon the rest of the team joined the hug.

"I'm going to a singing college, and I plan to go famous, " I mumbled loud enough for the team, and they looked at me with wide eyes. "That's why I was scared that..." I trailed off, deciding not to finish what I was gonna say. I didn't exactly want to explain my fear again.

"We're all still gonna be around for each other," Daichi said what I needed to hear. A big smile was brought to my face, excepting the new and familiar warmth.

Everyone headed off home, and I've got the reassurance I needed. But... How do I tell Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi about this? Let alone Oikawa and Iwaizumi?

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