Let's get over it

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Let's get over it

Everyone started packing their things, and my things were already packed

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Everyone started packing their things, and my things were already packed. Now I was deep in thought, about Oikawa of course. I'll just forget about how I feel. I glanced over to him. I don't want to ruin what we've slowly built up. Besides, you're already in love with someone else, aren't you?
I started at him make jokes with Makki. Why do I fall for your type?

Everyone started heading home, but I heard Iwaizumi scolding Oikawa for the chase he was on the other way. "Hey! I'm gonna head home, " I paused. "Cya around." Grabbing my stuff, I left slowly walking after my siblings. I just want to be there for you. I glance over my shoulder to look at him again. I don't even know you that well yet.

Once they were out of view, I ran past my siblings trying to go home quicker. I needed to do something anyway.

I got home and ran past my parents to my room on my computer. My third year was ending, and I needed to start planning for college. But, I felt my mother's mom senses tingle and she came to my room. "Need help?" She asked, which I gratefully nodded to.

"You know, you should become famous." I looked at her surprised. "And how will that happen?" Mom looked up at the ceiling in thought, and then an idea came to her mind. "How about singing?" She gasped. "Imagine you singing on a big stage all famous! That would be so cool. You'd be admired and looked up to." it didn't sound bad, so I decide to try out for it.

She left my room and I had time to finish the biology homework. Soon I got stuck and I called Kuroo for help. After I finished my homework, he and I stayed on a call together for a couple more hours. We laughed at everything possible and then brought Bokuto and Akaashi into the call.

"Ok wait, " I paused my laughing fit. "I'm sorry to ruin the fun atmosphere, but how do you stop loving someone?" Bokuto made a hooting sound. "You have a crush now?" I shut him up when I pointed out his feelings for a certain setter on his team. "I think you stop looking in that field and look in the friendship field." Kuroo started.

"I mean, remember when I used to have that crush on you a while back?" I hummed in response. "That's what I did, " He said with his camera off, but we could basically hear the shit-eating grin on his face. "Thanks, any way you and Akaashi huh?" I pointed to Bokuto. "Shut up!" "Wait, what do you mean?" Akaashi started, looking up from his book on a video call. "Bokuto likes-" "NOTHING!"

It was the afternoon, and I needed to run for some groceries. Unfortunately for me, Mom decided to torture me and make me bring Yakutatazu. Sumāto was busy at a friend's he planned today after the camp, Gōjasu hates me right now, Azayakasa said she was angry at me for bringing Tobio home.

"Can we get ice cream," Yakutatazu asked while putting on his jumper, but it sounded like a statement. I sighed and nodded, deciding to dress cool and edgy today. Sumāto's birthday was soon, so today I was gonna be edgy like him. That brought an idea for everyone at his birthday party to wear chains and black clothes.

I wore layers, a white and black striped long sleeve shirt underneath, and a black shirt over it. I sluggishly put on cargo pants and connect chains at the rims of it. "Perfect, " I told myself, looking exactly like Sumāto. Then a brilliant idea came to mind. What if I disguise myself to like him? 

I slipped on a wig similar to his hairstyle and stole one of his shoes. The height difference was noticeable, but it was worth the fun. I walked out, and Yakutatazu gave me a dirty look. I gave him a dirty look back as if saying don't start with me. He ignored me and went outside, and I followed.

"Do you think I should buy a car?" I asked him, trying to break the angry silence. "Yes, definitely. I hate running with you, " He said annoyed at me. Well, at least he responded in the first place. I ignored what he said, and ran inside the store. "We need milk, eggs..." I was interrupted by someone running into me. "Watch where you're going-" He started, but I got a good look at him. "Tsukishima?" I almost cried at the fact I was looking at the tall blond extra salty French fry.

"..how do you know my name." He said sternly. I suddenly remembered I was wearing a wig to hide my identity for literally no reason. But if I take it off here he's gonna laugh at me and never let it down... Whatever I can take it. While I was taking off my wig, I saw Yamaguchi caring bread in his arms walking to Tsukishima.

"Hey Tsukki-" He stopped when he saw me taking off my hair, and he nearly passed out. Tsukishima looked at me surprised and weirded out.
"It's me Y/n! Jeez, you can't even remember your own classmate?" He shook his head. "I know you're Y/n, just what's wrong with you that you had to wear a wig to the grocery store?" "I know right, " Yakutatazu said walking up to us with ice cream in his arms.

"I can't believe you'd embarrass me like that." Tsukishima and Yakutatazu just met and they both radiated the same sadly vibe. They bonded while Yamaguchi leaned on my shoulder.
"I almost died when I saw you..." He wailed. "I'm sorry, I was trying to steal my brother's identity." I explained while laughing nervously before Yamaguchi looked at me with wide eyes.

Tsukishima told Yamaguchi they had to go somewhere, so they left. Yamaguchi still giving me a concerned look. Yakutatazu waved away happily, and I grinned brightly sweating a little. We finished shopping and started walking home with bags in our hands.

"Were they your classmates?" He started, trying to open his icecream. I nodded, confused about why he was asking. "They're cool, I can't wait until I go to Karasuno." I smiled at his excitement which he barely ever showed, because of his salt actions.

Then Oikawa came to mind. I wonder what kind of insults Yakutatazu would throw at him, and I silently chuckled at it.

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