Chapter 14: Totally didn't kidnap Fate.

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(So Codex was chosen so that what ill be referred to as of now I guess.)

Normal speech. - "Hi."

Normal thoughts. - 'Hi'

Error talking. - "Abomination no.13."

Error thinking. - 'Abomination no.13.'

Nightmare talking - "Dust get back here!"

Nightmare thinking - 'Dust get back here!'

Ghosts thinking or talking - "Seriously Cross?"

Ink talking - "This ends now!"

Ink thinking - 'This ends now!'

Dream talking - "Be positive!"

Dream thinking - 'Be positive'

Dietys talking - "Fate what did you do?"

"Forgive me for my sins! I need pudding to survive!" Horror begged.

"Calm down just don't eat furniture next time."

Horror nodded.

Nightmare watched silently. Just by looking at him, you could tell that he really wanted to break the 4th wall.

Error was satisfied that the disembodied voice now had a name.

He was starting to wonder where all the nice voices were coming from.

Like there was one who kept talking and describing person that wore all purple and when Error had asked who they were talking about they shouted and I quote "WAUIGI !!"

That didn't tell him anything. He could only guess that it was the person's name.

There was also one that, when he told Horror that he would put a rug over it, said and I quote again "Best way to cover up a crime 10/10"

It wasn't a crime, right?


(Error can now hear the readers. The others can't (Unless the comment is for any shipping councils). You can ask him questions but be prepared for vagueness.)

"Oh hello Codex your back again."

(Hello glitchy bean.)

"I'm not a bean!"

*-_Error used pouty face_-*

*-_It was not very effective_-*

The rest of the gang were holding in laughter.

"Wait where did the other voices go?"

(Which ones?)

"The mean ones."


The author looked to her left where fate was tied up with destiny looming over her with a knife.

(Ummm... They left?)

"Never mind."

Error shrugged he was glad to have them gone.

Then fate began yelling at the top of her lungs.

The mean voices came back.

"Shoot!" Destiny yelled.

(Destiny find and use the duct tape to keep her quiet while I find something better to use!)

Error was silently questioning what Codex was doing while the voices screamed profanity.

' Has she kidnapped someone!?' He thought in his head trying to ignore the mean voices.

The gang had noticed Error covering his ears.

Cross ran over to try and help him.

' Shoot what do we do CC?! '

CC watched, they could hear Fate Destiny the Readers Codex and basically any god or being from outside the 4th wall. But of course, they weren't allowed to say anything about it or speaking privileges would be removed.

So they just sat and watched.

Eventually, the voices fell silent as Destiny had found the duct tape that Codex had left in a cupboard.

Error blinked twice then took his hands off his non-existent ears.

"So that's where the mean voices went."

"So what does everyone want to do?" Cross awkwardly asked.

Then our favourite goopy skelly popped up.

"Well I was planning on testing Error's powers but it's the middle of the night."

He pointed to the clock that read 0:00.

"But we haven't had dinner!" Horror protested.

"Blame Cross he was the one who burnt the kitchen while boiling water."

Cross took off running with an angry Horror on his tail.

"Not every day you see Cross running from something."Killer stated.

"Usually it's Cross chasing Horror to get his food back. Not the other way round." Dust added.

"Horror calm down you won't starve!" Nightmare ordered.

"Especially not after he ate most of the furniture in the kitchen."

Nightmare's expression changed ever so slightly but someone who was good at reading different emotions could tell he was angered by this.

Horror and Cross stopped in their tracks.

Both could tell nothing good would come from this...

*-_with Ink and the quest for chocolate._-*

Ink held a single chocolate bar like it was the best thing in his life.

"We finally found a bar of chocolate!" He exclaimed.

"It's a shame that we need more than one bar." Dream pointed out.

Inks expression fell to the ground.

"Right we need more..." He wanted to get out of UnderFell already.

This was the 60th copy they had visited.

Just when he thought things couldn't get worse Fell no.60 rushed past and grabbed the chocolate out of Ink's hand.

Ink silently cursed as he realised the chocolate was gone.

Dream stared blankly and faced planted into the snow.

"Kill me now."

*-_with Fate_-*

Codex burst through the door with a new coil of rope and a gag.

"Do I want to know where you found that?"

Codex shook her head and shivered.

Why would Ink create such a horrible Au!?


They then tied Fate to a chair put the gag her and let Karma in the room.

And let's say Fate will have a few scars both mentally and physically.

(777 words.)

(Shame if I had just done 111 fewer words I would have hit 666.)

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