Chapter 2: The song of miracles

Start from the beginning

"You know what? I don't even want to know," Blue said. "I'm leaving. I need to go back before Ma starts to worry."

Miracle's smile disappeared and he seemed to deflate slightly. "So soon?" he asked and there was something in his voice that pinched at Blue's heart.

Blue's eyes widened slightly. No, she thought, don't do it!

But he seems so lonely, her subconscious argued. 

No, Blue! She thought fiercely. DO. NOT. DO. IT!

" wanna come with me?" she blurted while internally she groaned. Aw, she did it.

Miracle's face immediately brightened. But he spoke hesitantly, "Are you sure?"

Blue shrugged nonchalantly. "Um, yeah, why not?"

The way Miracle smiled, his lips stretching into the biggest possible grin, made her feel slightly better. And so they went, side by side, down the street while the sun slowly shied behind the range of mountains faraway, its golden light gradually fading.

Miracle chatted away happily, his eyes shining and his dimple popping as he talked. And even though Blue was still tentative on believing him, she couldn't help the laughs that cracked out of her on his jokes. She felt strangely happy. Of course she did. She had made a friend. A weird one but a friend nonetheless.


Blue and Miracle were crouched behind a bush, overlooking her home. It was a small, quaint structure – a splash of colours in a row of boring buildings. Painted with bright and bold contrasting paints and with a porch and shutters and even a swing set, Blue's home was lively, comforting one. It might not be visually pleasing to all but none could deny that this place was loved and cherished. It was a place where life bloomed. It reminded Blue of all the good things – sipping hot chocolates beside the hearth, making castles with clothes, bedtime stories.

"Why are we hiding again?" Blue whispered.

"Um...I just wanted to warn you, before you go in, that your mum won't be able to see me. So, you have to be careful not to react." 

Blue looked at him in shock. "Why not?"

"Well, I am Miracle. I only appear to people when they need me. You needed me at that time. So I came."

"And yet you're still here."

He scratched his head and admitted, "Yeah I probably shouldn't be but...I just...I haven't had company in a while."

Blue softened slightly. "I'm not asking you to leave. You can stay. But I still don't believe you. I'm half sure you're playing a trick on me."

"I don't play tricks. That's Trickster's job. Anyways, I only let people see me when they must. I try and always work from a distance, be invisible. Otherwise...well, I can't go around explaining to everyone that miracle is a being as well. Their brains would be farting with confusion. So, your mum won't be able to see me either. Not unless I want her to."

Blue narrowed her eyes. "We'll see, Miracle. We'll see."

And then she quickly stood up and speed-walked towards the front door. She stepped inside, Miracle following after her quickly. As Blue opened her shoes and placed them inside the shoe rack, she called out, "Ma, I'm home!"

Her mother appeared from the kitchen, her footsteps following after her. Blue shot a quick look at Miracle who raised an eyebrow challengingly. Time for the truth.

When Mrs Jennings emerged on the hallway, she smiled at Blue. She was a pretty lady with black, bouncy curls that she had passed on to Blue with smooth brown skin and small, slanted but benevolent eyes surrounded by laugh wrinkles. Blue wasn't fooled though. Those same kindly eyes could turn a fearsome, stormy shade when she was angry. But Blue wasn't a naughty child except for the occasional back-talking with teachers and...well, she might have a habit of going over to Mrs Nosey, her neighbour's house, to gossip about others every once in a while. Blue swore it was only for the tea and biscuits, not because she actually liked gossiping (highly arguable though.)

"How was school?" her Ma asked, rubbing her hands on her apron.

Blue stared at her. Was she not going to ask about the boy standing behind her?

Miracle nudged her from behind and Blue didn't need to turn around to know he was dripping with smugness.

"The usual," Blue said, but her voice was slightly high-pitched.

"And how did you get hurt?" her Ma asked sternly.

Blue looked down at her knees and arms and shrugged again. "I fell."

Miracle frowned disapprovingly behind her but kept quiet.

Mrs Jennings's lips tilted downwards as she caressed the wounds on Blue's arms. "It wasn't one of those kids, was it? Do I need to talk to anybody's parents--?"

"Ma, I'm fine. Is there anything else you wanted to ask me about?" Blue prompted, not-so-slyly. Her Ma appeared to be confused.

"No, I don't think so. Why do you ask--?" Mrs Jennings began when suddenly the sound of joyous barks filled the hallway. Blue grinned as Timmy, the golden retriever, ran towards her, his tail wagging furiously. He stood up on his haunches and eagerly licked Blue's face while she barely controlled her own giggles. Abruptly though, Timmy, as if sensing something, jumped away from Blue and growled threateningly.

Miracle, who was leaning against the shoe rack, froze as Timmy sniffed around him, growling. Blue's own heart was doing wild flips. Oh, why hadn't she thought about the dog?

"What's wrong with Timmy?" her Ma asked, puzzled.

"He's hungry, I guess?" Blue said and without waiting for an answer, grabbed Timmy with his collar and started dragging him towards her room. "C'mon, boy," she muttered as she walked down the hallway towards the stairs. Miracle quietly tagged on behind her, looking distrustfully at the hairy ball of trouble.

"Lunch is ready, by the way!" her Ma called.

Blue paused halfway through the staircase. "Okay but I'll have it in my room."

And then she grabbed Miracle's hand and swept him into her room, slamming shut the door behind her. She stared at him in awe while he studied her room curiously. A small bed rested in the middle of the room with a study desk and a wardrobe pushed to the corner. Her dolls and clothes lay in a scattered mess along with pages of abandoned drawings. All in all, it was bubbly space of joy and dirty laundry.

Blue swiftly cleared some space on the hardwood floor for them to sit. Miracle plopped down, inching away from Timmy who had stopped growling but still looked wary of their guest.

Blue sat down crossed legged as well and exclaimed, "So you weren't lying!"

He gave her a 'duh' look. "Blue, my Blue, I don't lie."

Blue grinned. "Oh Miracle, my Miracle," she said mimicking him. "Tell me everything!" 

Did I just make two updates back to back? Hell yeah, I did! Sorry but I'm just so excited! Also, please tell me someone got the pun on the sheriff's name? Like, Mr Han Kuff? Which means handcuff? Get it? No

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Did I just make two updates back to back? Hell yeah, I did! Sorry but I'm just so excited! Also, please tell me someone got the pun on the sheriff's name? Like, Mr Han Kuff? Which means handcuff? Get it? No...? Whoever did get it, please let me know! XD

I probably should've written that in the first chapter itself but I'm a bit forgetful, lmao :)

Don't forget to press that cute little star button and leave me some comments on your thoughts! 

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