"A Nimbus Two Thousand, sit," said Harry.
Ria was trying hard not to laugh at the look of horror on Malfoy's face.
"And it's really thanks to Malfoy here that I've got it," Harry added.

With that they went up the stairs laughing.

"Nice one, Harry", Ria said wiping her streaming eyes.

"Well, it's true," Harry chortled as they reached the top of the marble staircase, "If he hadn't stolen Neville's Remembrall I wouln't be on the team...."
"So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules?" came an angry voice from just behind them. Hermione was stomping up the stairs, looking disapprovingly at the package in Harry's hand.
"I thought you weren't speaking to us?" said Harry.
"Yes, don't stop now," said Ron, "it's doing us so much good."
Hermione marched away with her nose in the air.

"She is the most irritating person I have ever met in my entire life", Ria said looking after her. "And that's including Blondy."

Ron burst out laughing again.

For the rest of the day Ria could see that Harry wasn't paying much attention to the lessons.
At Five thirty, the sat in the boy's dormitory, Ron unwrapping the package. The other boys weren't back yet.

"Wow," Ron sighed as the broomstick rolled onto the floor.
Sleek and shiny, with a mahogany handle, it had a long tail of neat, straight twigs and Nimbus Two Thousand written in gold near the top. It looked beautiful and on touching it, Ria felt a pleasant wave of magic through her.

"It's amazing", she whispered.

Harry took the broomstick and walked downstairs. Ria followed him. Half way down, a though struck her.
Back in the dormitory Ria turned to Harry.

"You think I could come with you?"

"Where?", Harry asked looking bewildered.

"To the Quidditch pitch. I want to see it. I don't think Wood'll mind. I promise to stay out of your way."

"Yeah sure." Harry said with a surge. And so together, they made their way out of the castle.

The Quidditch pitch was huge. Hundreds of seats were raised in steps around the field. The grass was lush green and perfectly even. On either ends were three golden poles with hoops in their ends. Wind blew strongly in the vast open space.

Wood wasn't there yet.
"Why don't you try the broom out?", Ria said to Harry with a smile. He was rocking on the balls of his feet, itching to go up in the air.
At the suggestion, Harry gave Ria a sheepish sort of smile and mounting his broom, shot up in the air.

Ria sat down on the ground spreading her legs in front. She wove her fingers in the soft grass and watched Harry zooming about on the broomstick, while the wind played with her hair.

"Greystone!", said a voice behind her. Ria turned her head and spotting Wood, got back on her feet. He had a large wooden crate which he placed on the ground.

"Hey, Oliver"

"What are you doing here?" Wood sounded confused but not disapproving.

"I just came to watch", Ria said with a shruge.

Wood watched Harry for a while and then called out.
"Hey, Potter, come down!"

Harry landed next to them.

"Very nice," said Wood. He looked extremely happy. "I see what McGonagall meant... you really are a natural. I'm just going to teach you the rules this evening, then you'll be joining team practice three times a week."

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