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Dumbledore had taken Harry straight to Madame Pomfrey. After making sure he wouldn't go into seizure, she gave Ria a restorer and put her to bed. A good night's sleep and she was pretty much back to normal.

Harry was still out cold. Madame Pomfrey assured her that there's nothing to worry about and he was completed stable. So she left and made her way to the Gryffindor common room.

The moment she got through the portrait hole, she was swept in a bear hug of Weasley Twins.

"You can't do things like that, Little Miss!"

"Yes, leaving us in the dark and going on epic adventures all alone!"

"To remember the times she teased us and pranked us!"

"Said the guy who's been ignoring me for the last four months!", Ria said with a smirk, cutting off their alternated dual monologue.

The twins grimaced identically.

"Our bad..."

"Yeah that's on us.."

"Guessing it was related to your epic adventures?"

"Sort of", Ria replied with a shrug.

"Then little Miss...."

"We apologise from the depths of our hearts..."

"And hope you won't stop sending us outrageous joke boxes as christmas  presents"

Ria sighed and give those two a brilliant smile.

"There isn't a need for apologies, gentlemen! You had every right to be mad at us. All of you. Having a good reason for loosing the points don't erase the loss itself. If it weren't for us,  Gryffindor would have won the cup this year. But having said that, what's done is done and I'm just glad you two stopped brooding and got over it. Hogwarts is boring if I don't get to trick you two!"

The following day passed in a blur. The news of what had transpired that night, had spread like wildfire throughout the school. They were all quite the little Heros. Thanks to Ron and Hermione having enough tact to leave her involvement vage, her being a Naturakinance was still a protected secret.

The three of them had apologized to Neville, but he didn't seem to mind much, once he knew what had actually been happening that night.

Three days later, Ria was sitting on a chair beside Harry's bed when Dumbledore entered.

"Ah, Ria!", he said with a twinkling smile. "I expect you're back to full strength?"

"Yes Professor. I'm doing quite alright", Ria stated.

"Can I ask you to tell me what exactly went down that night, Ria."

"We knew whoever was after the stone was going to make a move that night. So I kept watch. When I saw someone enter, we went after them. I sung to Fluffy. Hermione got rid of the devil's snare with fire. Harry caught the key-snitch. Ron bested the chessboard. I killed the troll with fire. Hermione solved the potions riddle and Harry dealt with Quirrell. That's pretty much it."

"Do you have any questions?"

"I expect you destroyed the stone?"

Dumbledore looked startled for a moment but then just nodded.
"We decided it was the safest thing to do."

Ria smirked slightly and shook her head. He says after four of his students almost get killed.

"Is Quirrell dead?"

"Yes. Voldemort left him for dead when he escaped with what's left of his soul."

Ria frowned but filed that information away for later.

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