Unsurprisingly, as soon as we're outside, Cain scoops me up into his arms, and snow falls lightly around us. He peppers a few kisses on my face.

"You're in a good mood," I note with a smile.

Cain laughs, and the sound seems to warm the earth. "Why shouldn't I be? I have the most beautiful mate, who also seems to be in a good mood, judging by the fact that she hasn't tried to stab me yet today."

I chuckle at the word "yet". "The day is still young," I tease, and he laughs. "Why'd you lie about Gwen having a training session?" I ask curiously.

Cain abruptly looks away. "I didn't."

My eyes narrow. "So if I go by Gwen's house tonight, she'll be there?"

Cain sighs. "Give her some privacy, Ares."

"You do know something!" I accuse, trying to squirm out of his arms, but his grip is tight. "Why the hell won't Gwen tell me who she's fucking, but she'll tell you of all people?"

"You know that she's fucking someone?" Cain asks in surprise.

I grin. "Now I know for sure."

"Just drop it, Ares," Cain warns. "She'll tell you when she's ready."

I scoff, crossing my arms. "I can't believe my mate and my best friend are keeping secrets from me. Unbelievable."

Cain just rolls his eyes. "Are you ready for the meeting tonight?" He subtly changes the subject.

"Maybe. Are you going to argue with me that the best way to quell the rebellion in Red Crescent is through violence?" I ask. We didn't see eye to eye on the Red Crescent situation. He seemed to think that responding to the situation with violence would only escalate it, but I disagreed.

"Depends. Are you going to try to slit the throat of any Red Crescent wolf who crosses you?" He asks, a small smile on his face, his good mood undeterred by my attitude.

I shrug. I thought about it.

In all honesty, Cain was way more likely than me to kill a Red Crescent wolf. His anger is white-hot and explosive, his temper way more volatile than mine. My violence is controlled, and I rarely ever lose my cool, whereas Cain is highly prone to violent outbursts.

"Home sweet home," Cain says as he opens the door, and I laugh, enamored with his happy mood.

My laughter halts abruptly when I see the person sitting on the couch.


Carter's widow.

"I have some work to do," Cain says as he sets me down.

"Um, me too, I'll go with you," I quickly say, following after him, but he stops me.

"Oh it's okay, Ares," He says with a faux-pleasant smile. "You can stay and talk to Rose, I'll do your work."

Bastard. He set me up.

Cain kisses my forehead and quickly leaves, and I curse him out via mindlink.

I love you too, pup, he responds with a laugh once I'm finished.

Rose gets off of the couch, and I see a bundle in her arms. I swallow hard.

"Hi, Luna," Rose says, standing across from me.

I give a forced smile. "It hasn't been that long, Rose. Call me Ares, please."

She smiles warmly, and the baby stirs slightly in her arms. "It's been months," Rose points out, but her smile doesn't falter.

I cringe inwardly. "Sorry about that. I've been busy."

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