"I know where Vision is, let's go."

I moved the earth underneath us as we made it to vision's position, and we landed to see almost all the Avengers there.

Except Stephen, the Guardians, Tony and Peter weren't.

"I'm with the other Avengers to stop Thanos. On my position." I said, waiting for a response.

"No can do honey. There's heaps of aliens down here, we're going to help the Wakandans while the rest of you stop Thanos." Tony said, and I smiled.

"Stay safe. I love you."

"I love you."

I turned to look at Steve, and he gave me a nod.

"Good to see you, Aphrodite."

"Same to you, Cap." I said, and Wanda ran over to Vision, who was laying on the floor.

"You fought Thanos before, what should we expect?" Sam asked, and I sighed.

"A few broken ribs, maybe." I said, still holding my side, grimacing.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked, and Vision flinches in pain, making her look more worried.

"What? What is it?" She asked, and Vision looked defeated.

"He's here."

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve said into the earpiece, and as soon as the words left his mouth, the wind around us picked up.

Okoye, Sam and T'Challa joined us, as Nat looked around.

"What the hell?"

The blue and black hue of the space stone appeared, and Thanos stepped out, making my breath hitch.

"Cap. That's him." Bruce said, and everyone looked at the power stone wielding Titan of death.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve ordered, beginning to walk towards Thanos.

Bruce lunged towards Thanos first, but the Titan activated the space stone, completely phasing Banner through the side of a cliff, burying him and freezing him here.

Steve was next to make a move, but before he could even land a hit, Thanos used the power stone to send him flying into the trees.

T'Challa charged his suit, extending his claws and leaping high to attack, but Thanos grabbed him by the throat, punching him o the ground and continuing to move forward.

I watched Sam swoop in, shooting at the Titan with both of his pistols, but Thanos easily destroyed his wings, rendering him flightless.

"Wanda, it's time." Vision said to Wanda, and I knew we had to protect those two at all costs.

We couldn't stop Thanos, but we could hold him off until the mind stone gets destroyed.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone."

They talked a little more, and eventually Vision convinced Wanda to destroyed the mind stone.

Make Me. ~ T.Stark Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon