Chapter 7

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You were walking down the corridors talking non-stop with Jisoo because the others were already in their respective classes.
"So I have Mathematics 1st period" you said a little disappointed.
"Oh that's good, looks like we're having the same class". Jisoo said
"So are you free today?" Jisoo asked out of the blue
"Yep... tomorrow is Saturday anyways" You answered immediately
"How about we go to to Daecheon beach and stay there till Wednesday as Summer vacations are gonna start from tomorrow" Jisoo said with full of excitement in her voice.
You choked on air...
Wait Vacations are gonna start soon...which means that jerkkook is going to be in the house all the time.

Well atleast that annoying *** isn't gonna be there you said without realising you were smirking
"Yah Jenn you're spacing out" Jisoo said which shocked you
"Yeah...we haven't spent much time together lately" you replied
"Umm Jenny" Jisoo said blushing
" yeah" you chuckled
"Can Ji-hoon  and his friends join too" she said taking her books out of the locker
You hit your head at your locker
"Ouch" you muttered
"But why do you want them to be there!?" You asked
"Because..." Jisoo paused and squealed a bit
"I-I have a crush on him" Jisoo said and it made you jump
"UwU Unnie then you should confess before someone else does, you know there are quite a lot of eyes on that guy" you said
Jisoo just nodded
But then it stroke you that Jungkook was  is one of them too but as you didn't wanna disappoint her you said yes.

Ok this is it for today....I can't upload much these days because exams are around the corner and I don't think I'll be uploading anytime soon. Hope you liked this short chapter. 💜

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