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"I hope I never lose you, I hope it never ends."


Selene and James began seeing each other again, as friends. They would be supervised by another friend or friends - the Marauders, Mary and Peter, or Lily and Alice - to make sure that they stuck to their rule of giving Selene space.

It was admittedly difficult. James held a special part of Selene's heart and whenever he would smile, she would feel her chest heat up. It certainly didn't help that he had continued to ask her out.

"James, why do you keep asking me out?" Selene asked with a huff. Currently, they were being supervised by Mary and Peter - or rather just Peter since Mary had left to go to the loo.

"In case you decide to say yes," James shrugged as he stood up from where he was kneeling with flowers he had conjured in hand. "Do you want these flowers? They smell quite pleasant, actually."

Selene laughed and offered out her hand. James gleefully handed her the flowers. Selene smelt them, they were in fact marvelous. She did not know much about plants, but she could say that the combination of red and white flowers was a lovely sight and the smell was refreshing and sweet. Just like James.

Selene fluttered her eyes, trying to snap out of it. It had been barely a week since her and James made up and she was already tempted to say yes. It wasn't her fault that he was so sweet that it almost made her forgive him.

She looked over at him to catch him fiddling with the Golden Snitch he had taken from the Quidditch court. He let it go, letting it flow above his head. His eyes were wide open in awe as he tilted his head, examining the outside mechanics and trying to memorize the sounds it made.

"I think I want to be Seeker next year," James proclaimed. He lifted up his hand to catch the Snitch with one smooth motion. "I bet I could do it, I bet I could help Gryffindor win the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. More than I do now, yah know?"

Peter chimed in, "I thought you liked being Chaser."

"Well, yeah. But the points earned by the Quaffle mean little compared to the Snitch. In fact, there's little point in the whole Quaffle scoring system. If your team is ahead by fourteen scores and the other team gets the Snitch, it was all for nothing anyway." James held the Snitch in his hand and glared at it. "A lot of fuss for such a weird contraction. Did you know that it makes a really loud whining sound before it begins to zoom away? That seems like a flaw."

"I did, it flew by my ear once when I was watching," Peter confirmed.

"Wait, what?" Selene looked between them. "I was beside you that game, Peter. That was what, last year? I didn't hear anything."

Peter and James exchanged a look. Selene knew James enough to detect the meaning behind his slightly farrowing eyebrows and pursuing lips. They were hiding something from her.

Selene sighed and ran her fingers along a red flower's petals. It was painful how little of a surprise it was that they were keeping secrets from her. Even when James and her agreed to try to resume friendship, she was not trusted with their secrets.

Mary returned to the silence and raised an eyebrow at them. "Peter, did you let James and Selene have an awkward moment?"

"No?" Peter looked puzzled with his eyes wide.

Mary gave a pointed look towards the flowers that still were held in Selene's hand. "Uh huh."

James ruffled his hand into his hair nervously. He looked over to Selene almost pleadingly, not wanting her to get the wrong idea. "Selene agreed to speak to me later in private, isn't that right, Selene?"

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