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"'Cause we both know what we want, so why don't we fall in love?"


Selene had not heard of the name James for weeks. It was a blessing. Ever since her former dormmates found out what happened fully, they have been her comfort blanket. Mary was loud enough to talk over anyone who tried to mention his name, Alice always had something interesting on her mind so was good at conversation creating when Selene's mind wandered towards him, and Lily was her biggest fan.

Or, so she thought. Selene never noticed the glances exchanged between Sirius and Lily, nor the passing of notes. Nor did she realize that every step she took away from James, the further he got to the edge. She never heard of the fights that broke out during Quidditch due to comments about her previous sexual encounters or how James spent his nights writing poetry he would never send to a girl with brunette hair who he could not decide where she fit in his heart.

She did, however, notice the increased number of times Gryffindor lost points and the increased number of males with injuries.

The hospital wing had their work cut out for them, all because of James Potter.

No, Selene did not know this at all. The only time her mind wandered and turned optimistic towards the subject was when Lily muttered, "This has to end."

Selene looked over at her friend and followed her friend's gaze. There, in the Great Hall over dinner, was where she laid eyes on James for the first time since she threw the teddy bear out.

His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, his hands coated loosely in ink over recent scars and bruises that have yet to heal. His regular posture that made him fill out the Hogwarts' standard buttonshirt so well was lacking, his back drooping forwards in exhaustion of nights he could not speak of.

"He looks like he's been through hell," Selene whispered. The first words she had spoken out loud about James Potter in weeks, and fitting. Because she did not know what Lily and the Marauders knew - that James had created his own personal hell.

Selene watched as Lily stood up and walked over to Sirius and Remus. With a few whispered words, the three were gone.

"Where is Lily off to?" Selene asked her remaining friends.

Mary, in the middle of telling a story to Peter, paused to shoot Selene a wink.

"Who knows? Perhaps the mystical art of moonlight reading will tell. You know, in a novel I read, they used moonlight to predict their deaths," Alice launched into a story, successfully redirecting Selene's attention away from the hell-looking James and from her missing friends.


Years later, Lily hoped she would be able to tell the story of how she and the Marauders delicately strung together a plan to get James and Selene in speaking terms. And, of course, how Sirius heard it and immediately nodded it off to dictate that they do his wilder one.

"They need to be forced together. No hinting or accidents, we all know how stubborn they can be on being mad with one another. Remember the one time Peter was around when someone spilt tea on Selene's homework back in third year? And how she wouldn't talk to yours truly due to me sticking up for Peter because it wasn't him? She didn't forgive either of us for a month. Which to me, is like seven months." Sirius proclaimed.

Remus scuffed. "You can't just force two people together, Pads. You know that doesn't work. People need to communicate in order to get together." A pointed look was exchanged between the pair.

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