Chapter 13. Pink and Purple Unicorn *

Start from the beginning

He hoped it would be a very long time before he had to venture to Walmart again.

Bentley pulled up to the house and parked in front of the familiar garage. Three other cars had been parked closer to the house. Seconds later a tiny brunette with pigtails ran out of the house next to the garage.

"Hi, Ben!" She yelled. Angel exited the house right on the child's heels.

"Natalie, you don't just run out the door anytime you hear a car." Angel scolded the child. She reached out and took the child's hand. "Hi, Bentley. Nat's been waiting for you all day."

Bentley turned off the truck. Angel released the child. Bentley barely had the door open before Natalie launched herself at him.

"It's my birthday. I'm six. I get to go to real school next year." Natalie explained as he carried her to the house.

"Kindergarten is real school, Nat." Angel told the girl.

"I hafta be six all summer before school. Isn't that mean? My friends don't know I'm six now."

"Some of them do." Angel added but her words fell on unlistening little ears.

Bentley was wondering what he was thinking coming to a birthday party for a six year old. They weren't to the door yet and he already heard the horde of children inside.

Inside he realized the noise came from only six children. They were gathered in the living room. Bowls of popcorn, sat on makeshift sleeping pallets and sleeping bags. A Disney movie played on the TV and two women sat watching the five girls and one boy play on the floor.

"Ben is here ladies and gentleman." Angel said. A chorus of yelling ensued.

Apparently they had been waiting on him to have cake and ice cream and open presents.

The two women stood and ushered the kids into the dining room. Ben had never seen so much pink. There were balloons, streamers, plates, forks, spoons, gifts wrapped in myriad shades of pink and white and pink cake in the center of the table. But oddest of all was the pink and lavender unicorn balloon floating above the table. It was half the size of any child in the room.

However it made him smile. He had driven an hour out of his way to the closest Walmart to pick up Natalie's gift. From the look of the room she was going to like it. The trip had caused him to be late but it was worth it.

It didn't take long for the kids to sing happy birthday, eat cake and ice cream then watch excitedly as Natalie opened her gifts. Jean stopped in just as the cake and ice cream were being served. Bentley wondered if he planned it that way, the sly old man. He added his gift to the pile, after a piece of cake and excused himself. He insisted he wanted to stay but had to get some sleep because he was going out of town in the morning to look at a vehicle he was hoping to buy. 

Bentley was impressed by Natalie's reaction to each gift. Even the simplest gift, a coloring book and box of crayons, earned a heart felt thank you and a hug. The boy, Steven, hadn't seemed to like the hug much.

"Okay, kids, last gift is from Ben, then it's time to watch a movie and sleep. Ben?" Angel looked up at him.

He nodded and retrieved the gift from the bed of his truck. The movie and sleep was postponed as Natalie and her guest road the purple bike over the concrete in front of the garage. The bike had a golden unicorn horn and pink hair. Steve shook his head when it was his turn. He almost looked horrified at the thought of riding such a girly bike.

"Okay, all. Time to go inside. The bugs are eating us alive." Missy, Kim's mom, called to the horde. She and Beth took the kids inside. Angel walked over to the truck with Bentley.

"Thank you, Ben. I was surprised when you agreed to come."

"When a five year old asked you to come to a party, you come to a party." He smiled.

"Don't let her hear you call her five, she'll have a fit. Here." She handed him the keys to the apartment above the garage.

Sleep  was a long time coming. He had promised to stay for breakfast or he would have left a note and headed back to White Bridge pack in the middle of the night. Once asleep he was completely out until his alarm sounded at seven. 

Bentley didn't understand how Angel did it. Kids were great but feeding four adults and seven kids pancakes, sausage and eggs at seven thirty in the morning was a major task in his opinion.

The other women had helped with the kids and breakfast. Bentley had just tried to stay out of the way. He sat the table for the kids and the little breakfast bar for the four adults. It was a fairly simple task but it mostly kept him out of the way and still allowed him to be helpful.

After breakfast he said his goodbyes and promised to visit again if he were ever in the area. 

Oddly, he felt excited to leave. He found himself driving to fast, even for a paranormal with exceptional sight and reflexes. He forced himself to slow down. It was harder then it should have been.

Crossing the White Bridge border was like coming home. This wasn't his pack, not that he cared at the moment. He felt the need to be here. There was something he needed here. Inside the territory it was easier to drive slower. He felt calmer but there was a hint of expectation deep in his gut. 

Another week, another update. I hope you like what you read. If you do, like, comment, add to your library, share on social media and follow me to be notified when I update.

Happy Reading,

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