I wanna hold your hand

Start from the beginning

She lowered her eyes and sluggishly turned her head to look at the corner shower. It was a glass shell filled with grime around the edges and Wookie hair in the drain. The stench of wet fur clung to the air, but at least she didn't smell her own sweat. 

Her shoulders pressed back into the harsh metal of the door to push herself up to her feet. Her feet dragged across the tile as she made her way towards the shower. It wasn't as appetizing at her shower back on Ajan Kloss, the thought of stepping on clumped fur and slime put her off for a shower entirely. But she knew she needed it, her muscles ached from the tossing and the sweat glued to her skin and left her feeling tight and gross. 

She knew she'd have to weather the less-than ideal shower, but she hoped once she was under the stream and closed her eyes she would forget where she was entirely. It happened before in worse places. 

The glass door had a film of grime over it that fogged up the entirety of it. While it disgusted Serena, she was appreciative of the small bit of privacy it provided. She slid the door open and gingerly reached inside to turn the hot water on. While it warmed up she stripped herself of her sweat-soaked clothes and set them off to the side so they didn't contaminate her entire bag of clothes. She picked the tape off of her wrap and gently unwove the material from around her forearm. Poe put so much work into it she didn't want to ruin it, but she knew soaking it in water wouldn't be good for the wound. 

She threw the used wrap in the small trash and twisted her arm to take a good look at the graze. Dark purple bruises stained her skin around the graze, the purple blended out to a cold green as the bruise extended out around her forearm. She lifted a stiff finger and gingerly pressed it into the dark purple next to the wound. She gave out a small hiss as a deep, hot throb rippled out around her finger and agitated the laser wound itself. 

She dropped her arm to stop messing with it and grabbed all of her bathroom accessories from her bag to bring with her into the shower. As she clutched all of her necessities to her chest, she stepped into the slightly raised shoulder and shut the door behind her. Steam thickened the air in the glass cage and made Serena breathe in heavy moisture. 

The water rushed down and hit her shins and toes as she looked at the small shelves on the shower walls. Each were brimming with odd bottles of shampoo and bars of soap. The bottoms of the bottles had a nice layer of collected grime growing up them. The sight turned Serena's stomach worse than her nightmares. She understood that boys weren't as clean as girls, but the place was a pig sty. 

In order to clear a place for her own bottles she pushed some of Chewie's shampoos closer together on their own shelf, then she used the stream of water to clean her shelf off before she put her bottles down. 

When her things were situated she turned towards the steaming water and lifted her hands to feel the droplets rain over her palms. The pressure behind them reminded her of a heavy storm. The tantalizing premise floored her as she stepped fully under the water and leaned her head back to let the water rush over her face. 

She became drenched in seconds flat, just like she would on D'Qar. The hot water pricked at her skin until she was enveloped in a tingling sensation. The comfort wrapped around her and pulled her in until she forgot she was in a grimy bathroom. Instead she was standing under the moonlight as the rainwater washed all her terrors and sins away. 

She lifted her hands and pushed her hair back from her face. Her fingers knotted in her wet hair and pulled it from her roots. A dizzying clarity fell over her, reminding her of where she was and what she was doing. 

The clarity made her open her eyes and continue on with her shower. The steam soothed her worn muscles while the scent of her heavenly shampoo muted the horrors in her mind. She could still see the blood and dead bodies laid out before her, but she could no longer hear their cries as they took their last breath. 

Will of the Many~ Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now