Through his eyes

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They went in and out of each others minds without any effort...

-Virginia Woolf

Poe landed without much care for how rocky it came off. When his X-Wing touched down he powered it down and pushed the dome up and stood from his seat. He swung his legs over the edge and jumped down to the uneven space of D'Qar. He pulled his helmet off and tucked it under his arm as he looked around at all the other celebrating Resistance pilots. 

Their mission on Takodana had been a success, they caused the First Order to retreat and saved some innocent bystanders. But... Poe didn't feel it was a success, he left without Serena. He had her in his grasp, he could have whisked her away... but he didn't. He just let her go even though he knew how much she hated the First Order and who it turned her into. 

He sat his helmet down on the wing of his fighter and lifted both hands to break up the sweat in his curls. As he blinked he could still see her face with the tears running down her cheeks. She was right about one thing, she would never forgive herself for what she had done. He could, maybe even the galaxy could... but not her. 

Something nudged the side of his calf and pulled him out of his stupor. He looked down to see the little white and orange ball of joy he had so desperately missed. 

"BB-8!" Poe dropped to his knees and patted his droid's belly. "I missed you buddy!" He looked him over for injury or rust but found none. "What happened?"

BB-8 retold the story of how he ran into the desert- just as Poe told him to-and he kept running until he met a girl. 

"A girl?" Poe leaned back in surprise. "Who?" 

BB-8 kept on, telling him it wasn't just a girl, but a man who said he knew Poe and it was the man that told him Poe was dead. 

"A man?" Poe looked up to see Finn walking through the chaos of reuniting pilots with their friends. Poe stood and gave a smile at the man who saved his life. He lifted a hand and pointed at him as he started to sprint towards his savior. 

"Poe. Poe Dameron!" Finn ran too, and they clashed in the middle. Poe swung his arms over Finn's shoulders as he squeezed him in appreciation. Finn wrapped his arms around Poe's torso to convey his relief that the pilot made it off of Jakku. Finn pulled away and put his hands on Poe's shoulders as he looked him over. Aside from the cuts and bruises he had when Finn rescued him, he was unscatched. "What happened to you?"

"What happened?" Poe gave a disgruntled laugh at all the things that he had gone through just to get back to base. "I got thrown from the crash, woke up at night- no you-" He patted Finn's shoulder with the back of his hand. "No ship, nothing-"

BB-8 rolled up between the two and finished telling Poe his story about how Finn had gotten him off of Jakku and to Takodana. Poe looked down at his droid as he retold the grand story using descriptive details and a few onomatopoeias. 

When BB-8 finished, Poe looked back up at Finn with furrowed, proud brows. "BB-8 says you saved him." 

Finn shook his head as he looked between Poe and his droid. "No, no, no, it wasn't just me." He tried to explain. 

Poe gave a wide smile at the man before him. Sure, he was a defected Storm Trooper, but Poe was having a hell of a lot of luck with people turning against the First Order. "You completed my mission, Finn-" Poe clasped a hand on Finn's shoulder and looked down at his hand. His congratulations stopped as he noticed the familiar brown leather. "That's my jacket."

Finn froze as he looked down at his own clothing. It had formed so well around him he forgot he was wearing it. "Oh, here." He started to shimmy the jacket off his shoulders. 

Will of the Many~ Poe DameronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora