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Her hair entrapped the moon's glow and depth while her eyes held a fire only found within a sun. She was, quite literally, the personification of night and day.

She kept her hair tucked behind her ears like an after thought, and had it so short it barely stayed causing more of a nuisance than she was willing to deal with.

Her strong jaw came from decades of clenching it, the muscle bulged out with a mind of its own, expressing her anger before she realized it herself.

Pale skin pulled taut around her sharp jaw and deep cheeks. It was so thin roadmaps of veins connected the outer corner of her right eye to her temple. The intricate designs danced with her every breath.

Serena was undeniably beautiful, but the self-hatred mutilated her beauty and scared everyone off before they could look past it.


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                                               Poe Dameron

His eyes captured his every emotion, looking into them was like peering into his very soul. It was impossible for him to keep a secret, the second he opened his eyes his entire life story poured out. 

His voice captured the attention of everyone around him, for someone so strong and reckless, his voice was soft and caring. It drew people in until they drank his every word as if it were whiskey and wine.

His every movement was for the Resistance, every lift of his finger, aim of his weapon, breath through his lungs. He ate, drank, and slept The Resistance

Until, he met Serena. A girl so deadly and beautiful she equal parts terrified and interested him. For a man born to serve the Resistance, he found himself wanting to show her a world outside of war and pain. He wanted to show her how to live. 


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                                                    Kylo Ren

Darkness plagued his every thought. It started with dreams of power, of a galaxy under his rule. His dreams manifested until he thirsted for more. He craved it like the very same air he needed to live. 

Power seeped from his very being, anything he wanted... he got. The once soft, loving eyes of Ben Solo slowly hardened, darkened, to make way for the emotionless, empty gaze of Kylo Ren.

The night Ben Solo died so Kylo Ren could live, he took only the most trusted Jedi with him. For a man who trusted very little, he trusted them... he trusted her

Serena was all Kylo Ren had left to remind him of humanity. She was the guiding hand that showed him what to do when he himself was lost. She beaconed him through the darkness like a white light. She stayed by his side, even when he didn't deserve her. 

Kylo Ren trusted Serena, which made it feel like the ultimate betrayal when she left him for a weak, human, pilot. 

Will of the Many~ Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now