It's our first date- I mean mission- together

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How do you make a monster stop feeling so monstrous? You give her something she can hold in her palms without crushing. You give her something sweet and tell her to keep it. You wipe the blood from her hands. You say her name, over and over, like an absolution. You forgive her. You forgive her. You forgive everyday for as long as she needs to hear it...

-wearealsoboats (Found this one on tumblr so...)

Serena shoved one hand into her duffel bag to hold the material down as she zipped it up. The sides of the bag bulged out with the excessive clothes she had forced inside and still managed to claw their way out of the top of the bag. Just as Serena thought she had them handled, the zipper snagged on a piece of shirt and refused to move another inch. She swore as she moved her hand to grab the piece of clothing and shove it further into the bag as she kept zipping. She carefully maneuvered both of her hands as she closed the bag with far too many clothes in it. 

The handle of the zipper tucked nicely under the flap, but the bag was so full the flap pushed up to reveal the entire length of the secured zipper. 

Kaydel moved to stand by Serena's side as she looked down at the small, compact duffel. "I think you might have over packed."

Serena hummed as she tilted her head and looked at the awkward shapes poking out of her bag from her accessories. "Maybe," She agreed half-heartedly. "But Poe seems to think this mission could take a while."

Serena looked over at Kaydel to see her brows pinch together. 

"How long?"

Serena shrugged as she didn't have a precise answer. "Not sure, but he told me to pack enough for a few weeks at least." Serena looked back down at the bag to try and assess whether she had packed enough. 

Kaydel let out a grunt as she leaned forward to rest her head on Serena's shoulder. Serena stiffened and lifted her head to stare at the headboard squeezed between her bed and the wall. Her arms froze by her sides and her fists tightly clenched as she tried to stay as still as possible. 

A subtle scent of lavender and chocolates wafted off of Kaydel. It reminded Serena of Leia's office and Kaydel's favorite sweets, which made sense seeing as she spent most of her time with Leia. 

"I'm going to miss you."

The grief in Kaydel's voice surprised Serena. Her back straightened as she tilted her chin up and tried not to move as Kaydel's head continued to rest on her shoulder. It was heavier than she expected it to be, meaning that Kaydel trusted Serena enough to put all of her weight on her. Kaydel leaned on her for support, and something about that made Serena's heart twist. 

"Aren't you going to miss me?" Kaydel asked when Serena didn't say anything. 

Serena's lips curved up at the innocence in the question. "Yes," She told the truth. "I'm going to be stuck on a ship with a cocky pilot and a Wookie I don't understand, of course I'm going to miss you." 

"Yeah, but..." Kaydel lifted her head to look into Serena's eyes. "You and Poe have been getting closer lately." Serena turned in her spot so she could see Kaydel. "We've all seen it, you two just... I don't know-" Kaydel's thin brows pressed together. "He makes you open up more. I like it," Kaydel's forehead smoothed out as she gave a smile. "Maybe when you come back you and him will be-"

Serena groaned as her nose scrunched up. "Don't-" She cut her off. "You're going to make me vomit, and the only thing that will come up is tea and biscuits so- that won't be pleasant for either of us." 

Kaydel's lips pulled into a wide, toothy smile as she gave out a loud, echoing laugh. 

"You repress it, but you two would be so cute together-" Kaydel grabbed the handles of Serena's bag and pulled it from the bed. "I mean this is your first date- oh, I mean mission." Kaydel snickered as she walked towards their door. 

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