"Yes, but he's currently in a meeting. You can wait in his office room."

I nodded at her. "Okay, thanks, Pat."

I walked into my boss's office room to find it empty. I peeked through the connecting door that lead to the meeting room and saw that Matthew was talking to another man and a woman.

I looked around his office room and it was messier than the last time I came here. Papers scattered on his table, and some on the floor. Matthew was having a hard time dealing with another company that tried to steal our contracts with other directors.

My eyes landed to a photograph on his desk. I was not sure if I was seeing things, but the photograph looked familiar. I nearly fainted when I saw a picture of Matthew and a woman, who looked so much like me. But I was 100% sure that the woman was not me. It couldn't be me.

But how could someone out there looked so much like me?

I then remembered the picture of the same woman that I found in my old house. Could it be that they were the same person? My heart began racing at the thought of it.


I looked up to a confused looking Matthew, he closed the connecting room behind him. His eyes landed on the frame that I held. Once his eyes shifted to mine again, he knew what I was going to ask.

"What's her name?" I asked, though I was not ready to hear the answer.

"Olivia." It was like someone slapped me in the face, bringing all those fears and curious about this woman. "And before you ask, no, she's not you. I can confirm that."

"But how? She looks so much like me."

He stepped ahead and took the frame from my hand. "You both look so much to each others, but your iris is different."

I frowned. "How would you know?"

"I don't forget the eyes of the woman I love, whom I have known for 6 years," he said, putting the frame back on his desk. "So I can confirm that she's not you."

I shook my head. There was something wrong here, I had a feeling about it. "I think- I think I have seen her."

"You did?"

I needed answers. I was now convinced that the woman in this picture and I were not the same person. I had a gut feeling that this woman was actually my twin. But then again, I had no one to answers my questions but my dead parents.


A few hours later I went home and went directly to my room where I kept the box. I stared at the picture and remembered what Matthew told me about our different irises. I looked closely to the eyes of the picture, and compared to mine in the mirror. And I just realized that he was right, though we looked so much to each others but our irises were a bit different. I sighed of relief to know that we were not the same person.

I put the picture aside and looked through the other things inside the box. I took out the file that was written 'Olivia' on the cover and opened it to see a child adoption certificate.


This is to certify that

The Unwanted Marriage (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now